Im teaching my dog how to read. Life is not all about barking and chasing my friends.

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*swedish girl noises*
To Yeet, or not to Yeet
Choose this day what you will serve,
Surprisingly i didnt do this
Earned it.
Memories - economy level.
A few Goodmen
Armin Tamzarian
I'll still wait for steam release but nice
Thor’s dark past
Look at me go paps!
Extra virgin
And that’s how capitalism works.....
Anon is almost a hacker
what actually caused Calligula to declare war on Poseidon
Brazilian shitposting 3
all god's creatures, fresh on the grill
Sound is an illusion
love you mom
this is for you, Najila Trindade
How to stop the climate crisis!
Don't know if this has been posted before.
gently, in the wind
Screw men and their, pulls card from a hat... toothbrushes
I was never strong enough
Bamboozle 100
cruise control.
Printing is not supported on this printer
Sgt. Waddle
From *Superhero Movie* probably my favorite line
Haha. Good point
Oh Doc!
Incert tittle here
Thanos the clever conquer
Dead fly
We must protect them
A customer ordered this urn for their deceased pet today
Let me pack this sun in to the car real quick.
Oh, damn
We have a problem Houston...
Hate it when that happens
My Dell order of six ink cartridges arrived today
Sign outside the local fire department
Did somebody say impeachment?!
please dont be a re
I'm in danger
A legit thing that happened today.
I got bamboozled
Always a reason for the bark
Local jail google info pic lol
Lord forgive me for what I'm about to do
My friend’s kid asked if he could use “Mommy’s mug” this morning
Can I get her serial number?
Tears of a clown.
Aren't we all inspired by this
He's not dead
Margaret is a ***in saint
some of these really got me
I’ll just have water
Fairy godmother.
Im weedsexual
howdy pardner
both of these... SMACK
And the Lord did saith unto me, "These CVS receipts are getting ridiculous, just look at the one I got for buying this hula-hoop"
Simpsons predicted even this
Found on boomer humor. Its just funny.
No Laws
Judge: You’re down to 18 years 6ix9ine: Wait
Opening the front facing camera
Guess Jesus didn't want to take the wheel
Feeling compressed
Handle and With care
Your Powers Combined...
"Alright, see you tomorrow bro"
Always watch the credits
Call of Cthulhu, but with Dr. Seussian rhyming and pictures
Test your reflexes.
I mean I've never seen a Star of David on the side of the road
All us men need this lol
Today’s Goal
Sometimes you can see the exact moment somebody gave up on their dreams
And I wanna be free
No.. No... No.. Not this one... No..
The hardest choice requires the strongest will
Here, hold this real quick!
Just the tip
Well I guess it works
911 simpsons
I was wondering where that carrot went