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The most foul, cruel, and bad-tempered rodent you ever set eyes on.

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I've made some terrible mistakes
got us again boys
support women's rights
Giorno transcends sexual orientation though
Saw something in the corner of my eye while hurrying off to class.
my cat is ready .LoL!
So my friend got married last month
The price suddenly doesn’t seem so crazy
The Best Offense is a Good Defense
I’ve never wanted to cry so much.
Self-awareness level: 0
Ashton Kutcher looks like a properly proportioned waluigi
Alzheimer 0
Hit a Deer
This took my entire art class to make
C & H never ceases to be funny...
U.S.S.R, come on say it with me
OmG wHaT aRe YoU dOiNg BiG bRo?!
Hurdy durr im a dog woof woof bark sniff
"It was bigger in the picture"
Parenthood in a pic
Friend saw this sign in her neighborhood! I hope Punkin is ready!
Backing up that hard drive
Is it just me or does Bill Barr look like a grown-up Baby Sinclair?
Joins as a joke,wins
Damn, ok
No tricks here
My art teacher's hall pass
life hack
dirty little siege engine
Bloody snow
Simulation Theory
A Chinese restaurant I found while vacationing in Maine.
Free one day shipping with Prime
Are we a primitive intelligence?
Yup, Pretty Accurate
Feed me
Where you was before?
Take this you cruel ocean.
Alfred's a Metahuman
Just Mermaid Things
I saw awkward seal in real life last weekend
Humanity at its finest
Can I cast disjunction on myself to turn me into a fighter?
Oh, no.
This is cute.
The jungle book in reality
Don't make such a fuss about it, Jason.
Bryce Dallas Howard's butt is so big they had to Photoshop it down in the Jurassic World poster
I would probably think the same
(=^・ O ・^=)
Im on my Way!!
Even back in time
All the bases covered
"virgins" be like
By the power of sheer hate alone
The Ctrl Z Fairy
When basic bitᴄhes try to be more than basic
how to avoid sucide
The worst way to hold your drink it to not hold it at all
Hide ya kids & hide ya Declaration of Independence cause he stealing everyone up in here
We've got an agent among us
I'm not the only one going to hell
Charlie's gettin' gayer
Funny one I saw!
He had to be hiding somewhere
Wet floor in the Science Department
I work in a call center. I like to try and draw what my callers look like sometimes. Here’s a lady from today that couldn’t answer all my questions.
World needs a sharkman
I’m going to have a tough time in heaven
little boy, go home
ibanana 11’
fit in a nutschell
Simpsons always predict it
funk off with your doubt, Karen
They wonder why I'm a feminist
Kill the Karen’s
The Sun....
careful, he's a hero
Succumbed to cravings
My wife does planks around the house and I come home to this absolute unit of a son.
Anon is special (like all of us)
did you just assume my fender??
Sent my bro a pic of my 9-mo old son; he immediately dug up a pic of me 15 years earlier at Oktoberfest.
It took me a few seconds...
Wearing my '*** you karen' shirt to work today
I’m a girl, and instead of winning 1st place in the youth cowGIRL division, the judges thought I was a boy gave me 1st in the cowboy one. Yeehaw
He could be you!
What's so funny?