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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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I guess Danny DeVito is pretty hot.
idk if my basement is big enough to be a park..
Sharks are just misunderstood
If only they had known....
friday mood
Well that escalated quicky...twice.
Maybe brown people did it.
You weren’t paying attention
Mmmm plane pretzels mmmmmm
My neighbors are moving to Seattle tomorrow. We both like cats. They left me this book as a farewell present today.
At this point we must consider that perhaps The Simpsons creators are part of the Alluminati
The moment that changes everything
I prefer the green dude
Oh crap I forgot my ticket
"only serious inquiries"
I drew Carl and Russell in Halloween costumes.
The roof is not your son...
Sugar bombs with marshmallows
Not like other girls
Time taken for each product to reach 50M users.
worst than liam neeson giving aids
shout out to all the students on this sub
is there any resemblance?
Ghost hunters.
I need a hero
Well Alright Then...
Czechs welcome
he clearly knows what's up
At the Climate Strike
the schlop dog ain't shit
They must love their "two" year old child
I am doing it to stay healthy
It's spreading!!
The 3 stages
Yes this is a raccoon riding a wild pig.
I'll take the ferry thanks
How to make bubble tea
Sorting the bins
My name is Kyle... Yeah, love that meme, never gets old
Today here in Italy was Friday for future and this is one of the signs ✌️
Tbh, i always borrowed my neighbor’s rubber to do this
“Should I buy a burger or the whole franchise?”
but they do!
We decorated the truck for Halloween
Interfacing with the grid
Interior Decoration: Next Level
My daughter gave me this letter yesterday after school and said it was from her teacher.
Is it possible to learn this power?
Horror of horrors on page 2
This ain’t right
Came back to the hotel room and found this. It's the thought that counts.
well millenials usually are bipolar
Identical Tests
Slow day on the beat
Words can hurt
Beware the Khajiit Assassin
Thanks, apple
You see Johnny, despite her hair cut Karen doesn’t know everything
Nobody pulls one over on the senate
Stealing Jesus
Old people FFS
So what would you do?
I'm good at math so does that mean I'm good in bed?
What is this? A restaurant for ants?
I came home last night to find this thief just standing there menacingly.
A real workaround for you guys
The original pink power ranger trying to make ends meet
I'll never forgive the Japanese
how far would you go, to touch the tips
Note left behind by guy at my university who parked in the grass
Suicide is badass
To stop theft, Washington State Department of Transportation changed the 69 miles marker to 68.9
Shout it out loud, I dare you.
Haha jk... Unless?
A new strain
Kardashian Car Park?
I think someone's a little upset
Well, we were entertained
Well moses kinda did with a burning bush and claim he heard God talking from it.
I can do
Agent 47's secret weapon
Monkey selfie
Sticky Quacks
Idk if this belongs here but
If the planet had a gun, that wouldn't had happened.
Opening scene from Naked Gun 33 1/3: The Final Insult
I see this as an absolute win
Gluten tag
A win is a win