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Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me.
I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed.
10-Year Club
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doing a funny
Can’t really argue with the logic!
I'm making the meme real
strange timeline
His parents were monsters
This would scar me as a child
Trust me they love it
But then you realize you put it in a different pocket...
Got something nice in the mail!
Love triangle
Finally, a fight I might be able to win
Don't bring a sword to a fight
Found in Central Park. Stephen, if you're out there, keep doing you. lease.
Free HK
Spotted in our room in Nashville, TN
New Joker movie looks awesome.
Here we see the pickup truck assume the mating position...
they sure got me
this is a certified society moment
The best Halloween idea I've come across so far
Security Alert
Whats your Resolution?
This sign in an antique store.
When the video game character you made appears in a cutscene
My cats new tag
Oh no, they found her.
The city cut down a bunch of trees in my neighborhood, and I woke up to this.
I do not like the cat snake
Russia is /k/ personified
Something good out of something bad
Get the F off my porch
Bepis has some competitors
aww man
They sell the God damned sand worm from Beetlejuice at Home Depot and I can’t tell if life is over or just beginning.
bing bing wahoo
wtf, I love china now?
This is so sad, can we hit CEOs?
Too shy to... nvm
An excited crowed watches the public execution by boiling. Circa 1430.
is there something we can actually do?
They just want to believe in something!
Turn Mickey Mouse in a pro-Hong Kong meme to watch Disney lose money from china lmao pranked
wow guys thanks for all the gold
All hail ducks and geese
potty break
The worlds best tailgate
Youre amazing
Realisation time
There was some quality father-son bonding time
B l i z z
Spice up your life.
Whats going on ?
Only in USSR
Winnie takes a Pooh :)
Walking the dogs and saw this today, I thought I would share the laugh
Ding dong no more
A maths limerick!
Where’s my honey?
He's the king of something
Kelso is such a romantic guy.
Traps Illustrated
Rubix cube comic
Someone should put music to this
HuMaNs ArE sMaRtEr ThAn AnImAlS
Update And Restart
Avocados need better prizes >:(
She is his biggest fan
I feel like a god! Haha
Why are you naked rocket?
This is a little Strange.
Believe in love
Wife and I laughing at this damn near 3am
You have to follow the rules
Ah, it all makes sense now.
Taped to a 14000 liter tank of liquid sodium.
Full throttle Michael-jacksoning to dab on the melanine enriched people
Foxes minimise their apparent size by folding their legs and bodies into the forth dimension so only their heads and tail remain.
IT Chapter 3
new personal best get!
Comes with a side of honey and oh bother.
Just how it be.
All better
It's about damn time
High on the good stuff
I don't think this is Crystal clear!