Friend said " I'd love to visit the midwest one day. What's it look like out there?"

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Yes Lord Frieza
8 year old me
Yoga, the gateway activity to demonic possession.
This checklist from a hotel
Ultra low graphics
Hopefully one of the Tesla Truck editions gets Ray Tracing!
Man realises live demos are a bad idea - 2019.
Coomercore music is going along well
I don't
Who’s in charge around here?
Gimme the loot!
Uber fast
Are you delusional, do you suffer from a mental illness?
The reckoning
I really need to set my alarm for an earlier time!
Not the hero that we need but the hero we deserve
Hardest tiger of them all
If you think you've made mistakes...
Fear and Loathing in Pooh Corner
What's a "CD"
Would you look at the clock
It's already started
Just an orange peel
I'm the dude, playing the dude, disguised as another dude
A childhood dream come true
Oh Liam...
Tesla's new partnership with Pokemon
Its funny cuz Its true.
I work for a Gas Station and while preparing a deposit this little gem passed me by...
A response to the all motivational nonsense from management.
Low graphics Tesla truck
To the ranch
Apply cold water to the burned area
Now here's a man who understands women.
The sun looks like a nuclear explosion right outside.
Yes the rest of the video is canon too.
Found this at university today
The act of not putting your fingers in that pussy is animal abuse, sincerely PETA
If my math is correct..
Kevin Hart uploaded this pic on his Instagram
I dropped the penguin off the cliff
The Perfect Murder
Mission: Diversity
I'd find either of those suspicious tbh
“Woow” - ** in drake voice
How have i not seen this before
This meme was brought to you by Pizza Hut
I can’t wait to have kids
i saw a dog
Its HIGH noon....
LIFE HACK: If you eat a hard taco over a small tortilla you get another taco
ok 800m3r
Time to kill
“Cyber Truck” design process
Both of these vehicle are from November 2019
The New Tesla Cybertruck
In regards to the new Tesla truck...
Every group has that one special friend!
The New Tesla Offroad Vehicle.
Excuse me, have you seen my brother?
Oh, Swoley Night
oh thank god..
Thought it looked familiar...
Boop of high
good news everyone
My new uniform.
robots rise up
The Tesla Cybertruck and it's sexy curves.
duel of the fates
This is so wrong, but too funny to pass up.
i am a meat man
First images of the Tesla Cybertruck reveal
No one likes a smartass *** Bev
Ima tell my kids this was Justin Bieber
i always get them mixed up.
My Chief concern about Kansas City...
This kid knows how to do Thanksgiving
A co-worker of mine flashed me his socks during today’s meeting.
Your current game controller is a boy or a girl?
Time flies
become the anime girl you want to see
This wife’s response to her husbands vasectomy.
Yeah...Your Kids, AmIRight?
Basically every flat-earther
Somehow I think that this is a lie.
A teen's daily workout