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Sorry, i can't hear you over my crippling depression and soul crushing regrets
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Youtube bad
Found this absolute shambles “monopoly for millennials!”
Gotta go fast to escape the government
1 tip on how to make friends
The Math is right...
Freshly Washed Clothes
didn"t see that comeing
Need those box
A robe so soft, you'll feel comfortable enough to drink straight from the coffee pot.
Just a guy attacking a terrorist with a narwhal tusk on London Bridge
Santa Paws.
You don't want to be in there
I want the clear one with the “stuff” inside it
What a trip, man.
And that's how I met god
Studio gangstas
Getting his freak on
Ah sh*t here we go again.
Merry Pagan Holiday!
So I recently learned my 70 year old grandmother how to use Snapchat and this is what she sent me after sitting on the toilet for an hour.
*slav noises*
1850 Gamers
The new official Gerber baby
So, I should go?
Top review for an axe on Amazon
Check out this gem I found in a bar restroom...
Found where she hid all the Vanilla ones. Last place I would ever look.
Kinda overrated ngl
All that waiting for nothing...
Fair is fair.
Gotta watch out for Those gun trafficking Dinosaurs
Let's go Chewy!!
When the barber finally cuts your hair just as you wanted!
I asked my son to shovel the driveway. I guess he did.
I’m okay with this
i thought Disney was a family company
A fish!
dick cheney made money of the iraq war
My local news station picked the wrong leaves for their Thanksgiving sign
I don't know how MP6 would look like, but MP7 would be just sticks and stones
This is bullshit
I found out I’m going to be an uncle!!! My sister wasn’t too happy about my interpretation of her upside down ultrasound.
My boyfriend and I used to play this game where one of us came up with an adjective, and the other with a noun. Then we have to say it at the same time and draw whatever the combination is.
Whys the Rum gone?
When a Christian hears the words, ‘Happy Holidays’
Finally a realistic beauty standard for men
Nothing interesting, just your normal everyday fire distinguisher.
The road authorities finally lowered the speed limit
Green Friday
Astolfo must have a very low center of gravity
People just can't ignore a number
I asked my dad if I could wear his fanny pack for a school field trip, and he told me it was too big. I insisted.
Rough morning let's have some leftovers and make it worse
i love japan
do not expand this list by killing people
Best trick.
I think I'd prefer a belt
Edgy elderly is the best elderly
Time to take out the trash
should i call you mista?
When life imitates art.
what's so confusing about english?
Ahh yeah
Couldn't make it to family Thanksgiving, had friendsgiving with friends stuck in town. Made this.
Gaming 2019 in retrospect
Black Friday explained
just a little bit
If movies were realistic
maybe he can go to sniff island
Now on Disney +
Poor Conor McGregor, I saw him the other day and he asked me if a could give him a $20 for some Proper Twelve. Good luck to ya champ.
epic LOSER bear, weak arms, small hands
The first time in history it is caught on camera. Mercedes giving birth.
Staring into the abyss
geometric screaming
she's like Sid from ice age
As the girls in the house scramble around trying to leave the house.....
Umm Donkey?!
Rings in three tones. Loud, repeat, and howl.
And dad was gone to buy milk....
Please Stop ;(
eltiT gnitseretnI nA
No one cares, Jake
I am from Australia, and tbh at glance, the same thought crossed my mind.
This manager just doesn't care anymore
The truth about Black Friday
There’s no going back now.
Don't you remember me, Google?
Sports fans according to a non-sports fan.
I even hear it in his voice.
Drawing hands is hard...
1/3 Reich