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a fly and a guy
It was then Cody realized black lives matter
Mmm valuable privacy
My sleepy town had some interesting lights displayed this year.
London ads are something else
bog je srbin
So, some guy decided to cosplay as Johnny Depp's character in a movie - ALL of them.
Local weather station, showing a scale I can understand
Sleep Paralysis Demon...
Yeah I've been good thanks, same old you know
What place is this?!?
God bless America
When it's too late to pspspsps
Big and natural
My dad has a good humor in my opinion.
Thank you :)
I mean he’s not wrong....
Oh the irony
well ....... they do seem really happy
Lonelyman and his watermelon
My coworker nailed the holiday costume party
A cat, trying to attack its owner through a blanket.
French and Spanish class decorated their doors
Had a great time last night! Took the family to see the annual Amish Christmas light display. Here is a pic collage:
Moving out and leaving a surprise. Finally found a purpose for those Spider-Man heads I cut out from some pizza boxes like 3 years ago.
Finally a gym that meets my needs.
Santa Claus in 2020
I told my dad he looked like Arthur today and he didn't agree until he saw the picture!
If you have a moment
Just speed up
My creation
I am the Alpha and the Omega
My Christmas tree this year!
I will tell you that I just fed the dog - he would tell you he has literally NEVER eaten food in his life.
Daniel wtf
Cause why not right?
Where Bostonians get their medicine
Cursed website name...
Just let me finish this joke
WTF Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory? Holiday Fail!
-Removed Herobrine isn't working
I want to get compliments
They're doing a public service
Me: *goes to doctor* Doctor: "I diagnose you with OwOtism"
The Grinch Who Stole a Police Cruiser
Heart Touching Love Story
People born in December:
The Irish Man sucks
Angles matter.
Ho Ho Holocaust.
Found at my dad's work.
Every doctors receptionist
Home Stallone
My friends 5 year old drew a picture of me in the Xmas card they gave us. I think he nailed it.
ET is a ***ing Jedi
Alabama 101
So, here in Britain gift shops are embracing the wave of popularity for tech gifts.
Player characters in the lategame
They have a class on it
I'm a woman in construction, this is how I choose to eat bananas
Happy Holidays!
Relationship in a nutshell
I was born in Spain
Back to the drawing board kitten.
Now we fight back by not paying their rent
This Deli guy at my local Publix
Supervisor: What are you doing? *sighs and walks off*
*indie music stops*
My cat loves to shred toilet paper. Today, she found my entire stash.
And just like a man, it dies when crushed between two logs
Want to share?
I triple dog dare you!
Keep it up, Paul..
OK Jetson
Nearly there!
Saturdays are getting out of hand
Come on let's go
Due to a little bug in Red Dead Redemption 2, I sat on this strangers lap and received a lovely hug. Accidental *Brokeback Mountain* confirmed
this happened to me in real life and i almost lost my job
Saw this random stick figure art at work today
Too thicc
gg wp, gl further
Begone T H O T
Let's all take a moment to admire the discrete placement of this package by my local Amazon delivery person.
the world of pokemon is more than just creature enslavement...
Artist's rendition, camera "wasn't working"
The lorax is not happy
Peek comedy
This is a public service announcement
I have discovered the secret
Damn that one is far too fitting
I photoshopped an Orca whale getting hit by a plane