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<This ugly son of a *** is making OC only and is getting free karma and basically, you are ***ing stupid. How?... Just Watch The Free Video> [59]

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I watched them in chronological order and everything.
These are 3 starter Pokémon in Brazil
Rock bottomed...
Chillin‘ with my Ho‘s
Pokémon fan base
DIY Security
Doritos + Mountain Dew
something something japanese
They're gonna show the biggest magic trick we've seen
The difference between Moms and Dads
Getting older sucks
A Canadian special
Back at it again Chris
You can't hide from what you are
When you start a new life and God asks for your input
My Phone and I
Saw this interesting sign in my kids class.
I want one thing now
Women's Hair: Expectations vs Reality
Simple Simon
Found this today in a very remote part of my old hometown
Wingy good bois
I wonder how much rent is to live in Ikea
Feeling lucky?
599 kilos were accounted for
Smart business techniques
Help Cat Neds Air
Kanye West, Level 1 RPG character
Don’t hurt it!!
Star Wars Cats
CVS is self aware.
Christmas gift from my dad.
Thats what you get goldilocks!
Good riddance would've been more fitting.
My wife murdered me
How to tell if you're a bad company to work for
It’s the ones you’d least expect to snitch
Cant wait for New years!
Had to pull over and capture a beautiful moment today.
It’s the difference between elven and dwarven architecture.
Inside a Coffeeshop in Amsterdam
he said he wanted us to force them into opium addiction
My friend ordered a 30" stuffed bear as a Christmas present. Its fair to say it was not happy about being vacuum-packed for transit
And shoping carts too
Want to get high on life?
The question was, "have you ever pooped your pants?" I was *ahem* doing research.
Macaulay Caulking
Ribbed for your pleasure
My parents have a "Festivus" party every year and this year I found this sign on their bedroom door
Houston has a great sense of humor!
Your friendly neighbor
Frosty's last ride
His demons keep him company
It feels like pregnancy
To neutralize boomers you have to kill their leader
The most honest Craigslist ad of all time
I can deal with the audience but why is that roll so far away?
Roses haven't been roses in years
Bunny's first day of school
Even more so than normal sentances
Yeah woman, what happened?
Had to do it to 'em
When people ask if my dog sheds I show them this picture
Even they didn't read those things.
Ah therapists
Interest free
Most shall agree
Proof cats think they are God
The drinking game
Politeness stand-off at Real Canadian Superstore
Caught in a broment
Historic achievement!
Another tradition lost that should be in practice.
Baby Yoda gang
Heroic Misunderstanding
Surprise surprise....
I wish more of my friends were like this
Ah yes, the four elements
I did my best..
Budget cosplay best cosplay
Original Kirby Team asked to draw Kirby
Pretty sure I’m always going to feel like this no matter how old I get.
I read read as read
California Explained
What kind of birthday card is this?
Brian plotting his revenge
Be responsible with magical items
This legend picking someone up at the airport, and his unimpressed-looking wife
Best animated film of 2019.
You jut got liberald
Stay calm class
* sad cow noises *
This portrait of our cat was worth every penny
I would not miss it