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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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Hang in there little baby Jesus
If you ever feel useless, remember you can turn on subtitles for the Yule Log. Merry Christmas
The Real Disneyland Experience
My grandma thought candy had gluten in it so I got gluten free soy sauce, a duster, and cauliflower pasta in my stocking. LOVE HER SO MUCH
Here we go again: A summary of christmas with my extended family
At least men keep it simple
A new way to sleigh
‘‘Twas the nizzle....
Cannibal Banter
Happy Holidays!!!
I knew she looked familiar!
That's making alot of sense now
toki wo tomare
Hey look....a menu!
The passenger in this car wouldn't stop honking at me.
I tracked the number of times my family mentioned me getting married over the past year, plotted and printed it.
*scared noises*
maths is easy if you use your head
Happy Christmas Adam
My mom's Christmas socks..
A history of trolls.
@&$! Yeah, field trip
Santa this morning
My friend got called out by a straw at dinner last night
This window sticker that I saw yesterday.
Holidays PSA: Don’t let your husband bake the gingerbread cookies.
sweet doggy is miscalculating the jump
VLC for the win
You may be a good wingman but you’ll never be as good as this guy
Honda Civic moment
That's is why i have a 100 hours of game time and still didn't even finish half of it.
We don’t have much longer
Going out with Christmas lights
War. Who is it good for?
lol dang you can't even argue with this can you?
Remember when Batman was a fourth-grade girl?
Sorry for the green on the top I was in a call and am too lazy to edit it out.
doggy sudden malfunction
the wrong egg
S400 is bad thing
Parts were stolen, I have spoken
Will anyone stop these maniacs?
The New Elf
rookie Ikea elf
I’m concerned for the man next to me in Starbucks
Now I have to relive this nightmare everyday...
That's a Nae Nae moment
Hf together
It's easy
If you rocking this look for the next 48 hours you're probably at a family Christmas party.
My friend's lawyer gave him this for Christmas...
Christmas Meltdown
If anyone deserved a hand painted portrait, it's Admiral Ackbar
"Eyes on your own paper, class."
Some moments are worth celebrating.
John Wick was my secret Santa!
Pivot Pivot Pivot!!!!
Stubborn Burger King
for Christmas I got my sister a fake ID for her cat
How to stop a gambling addiction
Do a flip
I think China is spying on me
The Holiday spirit!
ThiS iS nOt A GoOd maRkEtinG StRaTeGy
It is out of our league
I smell Oscar
A season to be jolly, it is.
Simpsons had some great jokes
Internet these days.
You’ve probably seen this but thought I’d post it anyway
Amazon reviews in a nutshell
A New Hope...
I put a wig on my dog because why not and I do not regret my impulsive decision.
I still sing along though TBH.
For 2020
The story of a boy and his snowman
You son of a b****
low tier witcher stuff
Found a wild bird in the trees next to my parents house and I'm having trouble identifying it.
Ehm... happy Christmas!
t h i c c
My childhood has been ruined.
Hangman gone wrong
Mmmmmm Ramen
It’s the year 3000. Dogs have intellectually caught up with humans.
Bad Boy
Alzheimer’s problems
Just a reminder that this was the Christmas tree my dad picked out in 2016...
Hope everyone got their shopping done. Happy Christmas
Dance Like Noboody's Washing
Rearranged my moms “Merry Christmas “ blocks over a week ago. She still hasn’t noticed.