Despite the gift mix-up, Grandma insisted it was perfect for breakfast at her senior living home.

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same as last year
the season of giving
Thank you Target, very cool!
This is the truth, only the truth
Happy Holidays and HoHoHopefully you don’t need us today!
My little sister looked very good at our Christmas Eve party
What did you get for Christmas?
I’m sorry little one
Is Emily a vibe ?
Amazon about to lose a major account
Santa's way of getting on the good list.
Finally after all these years i have them all
Extreme SAVAGE!
Let's go to the Winchester, have a nice cold pint, and wait for this all to blow over
Merry Christmas everyone!!
When someone has a really nice phone
Emberrassing moment
Can they make it bigger please
Christmas Future
The Hand-Me-Down Christmas Tradition
Best Christmas present ever
Love Toad❤️
Now I see
My sister learned a valuable lesson this Christmas: If you let your older brother take an ugly picture of you, you will get it on a custom color-changing mug as a gag gift. Merry Christmas everyone!
No scoped her
My annual housemate portrait
The annual post of the Chinese Community thanking Jewish people for eating Chinese food on Christmas Day.
Santa came!
Christmas in Australia
Christopher Robin goes to the dark side.
Yup that’s right
Task Managers ... pff...
Santa had a bit too much eggnog
Who owns this book?
Lol me vs them
You best believe she loves them odds
Bought my brother a bath bomb for Christmas. Just a bath bomb. Put it in the biggest box I could find.
Baby Jesus at bathtime.
me big
It ain't easy being a Jewish sith Lord, but wait, there's more.
Why else?
Piece of art, not vandalism!
I bought my parents a tv for Christmas but they are going to think it’s something else at first.
Don’t be mad because your god isn’t a superhero yet
Who the hell gave granny this for Christmas?
A gift from Grandma
old reliable
Hang in there little baby Jesus
If you ever feel useless, remember you can turn on subtitles for the Yule Log. Merry Christmas
The Real Disneyland Experience
My grandma thought candy had gluten in it so I got gluten free soy sauce, a duster, and cauliflower pasta in my stocking. LOVE HER SO MUCH
Here we go again: A summary of christmas with my extended family
At least men keep it simple
A new way to sleigh
‘‘Twas the nizzle....
Cannibal Banter
Happy Holidays!!!
I knew she looked familiar!
That's making alot of sense now
toki wo tomare
Hey look....a menu!
The passenger in this car wouldn't stop honking at me.
I tracked the number of times my family mentioned me getting married over the past year, plotted and printed it.
*scared noises*
maths is easy if you use your head
Happy Christmas Adam
My mom's Christmas socks..
A history of trolls.
@&$! Yeah, field trip
Santa this morning
My friend got called out by a straw at dinner last night
This window sticker that I saw yesterday.
Holidays PSA: Don’t let your husband bake the gingerbread cookies.
sweet doggy is miscalculating the jump
VLC for the win
You may be a good wingman but you’ll never be as good as this guy
Honda Civic moment
That's is why i have a 100 hours of game time and still didn't even finish half of it.
We don’t have much longer
Going out with Christmas lights
War. Who is it good for?
lol dang you can't even argue with this can you?
Remember when Batman was a fourth-grade girl?
Sorry for the green on the top I was in a call and am too lazy to edit it out.
doggy sudden malfunction
the wrong egg
S400 is bad thing
Parts were stolen, I have spoken
Will anyone stop these maniacs?
The New Elf
rookie Ikea elf
I’m concerned for the man next to me in Starbucks
Now I have to relive this nightmare everyday...
That's a Nae Nae moment
Hf together