This man has a hat and sunglasses and still using his hand to block the sun

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Seize that opportunity
Cum chum
I should be asleep right now
Roomates golf club cover scares my stoned ass.
Surprisingly truthful...
Based popop
Star Wars
Jesus Vs satan colorized
Posted at my local doctor's office
Age makes all the difference
Draw me like one of your French elves.
All part of the plan... from a certain point of view
Are We Roaring Yet?
“Shirtception” - my favorite gift every year from my brother. We’re now at level 6.
Solar eclipse for those who missed it
My new *** Book
My Kinda Restaurant
all your mistakes
A bleak reality
Texas was a close fourth
Russian taillight
Parents bathroom at Christmas
Some striking similarities
Man it hurts to be this hip
My aunt painted this rock for my brother's Christmas gift.
Google is a pure search engine
How to turn Legolas to Geralt - Blast Cradle of Filth
it just gets better the longer you look at it
Riker Move
This is what progress looks like
future hasn't been kind to us
That's why I didn't get any Christmas presents this year!
It just works
HowToBasic take notes, this is how to make a tutorial.
When you shoot your load
Gf is pregnant
Took my daughter around to use her gift cards and ran into this.
The best hangover cure...
My daughter always steals printer paper to draw on so for Christmas I wrapped a pack of 500 pages of paper. She started running around screaming with excitement. Easiest present ever.
I took a picture of my dog when he was sleeping and tried to make it look like he was sprinting. I did an awful job.
the true origins of christmas
yennefer of vengerberg
Bit of a useless red circle but that's hilarious
Family time <3
As promised, here is another Christmas card that my friends and I made.
I have switched sides.
No where to run!
Christmas gift from brother I had to open in front of whole family
1st rule of family gatherings
I asked her to 'sit pretty' and this is what she did
Dad made me go into the men’s restroom to see there art.
Best. Present. Ever.
8 types of annoying ads
Grandma realizing the "cute little reindeer" on the beanie she gave me are "having a party"
It always gets a laugh out of the girls
My Dad thought he was wrapping my gifts in cool “Manga” paper.
My mom gave my niece bathtub paint...
My little brother is a pain in the ass
Can u believe this shit
Bad At-At!
It makes a lot more sense.
Bartender Phone Rates
Wow cool whats your elf name?
This abomination right here
The only thing better than boobs
My uncle has sent me the same thing for X-Mas every year since I was a kid and I laugh every single time.
*blows air through nose*
So SORRY about that.
The final battle has begun
Thanks Grandma!
Ricky Dale Everclear
Confidence is everything.
Remember, no Russian.
The elves need more credit
The new lunch box I got for Christmas.
Best ever
Wife banned any more kitchen gadgets but I got a vacuum sealer and disguised it as a computer accessory. She’s never noticed.
guys only
He is right for his profession.
Rick Astley Docet
Flipped for comfort
There is definitely a link
Cats The Movie RTX turn on
This stack of "business" cards I got for Christmas!
Thank you mom, very cool.
“Where are my goddam keys?”
If my kilt offends you ;)
Is it possible for an image to be so horrible, it causes physical pain?
Nein one one
100% seedless