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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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My interesting bread selection
Message clear
My family can't seem to do things like everyone else.
Live in Relationship but as a friend.
Some people went into 2020 a little harder than others
Sounds right...
Something funny I saw tonight near my house
How to adjust the tow bar on the 2020 Land Rover Defenders. This is not a joke!
Oh so that’s why they’re small...
I mean seriously!
I think something was lost in translation on this fortune.
He’s not wrong...
Dating a rav4 now.
Went to a 20’s themed party last night. The invite didn’t specify which 20’s we were supposed to dress up as.
Rate my gaming laptop
Congrats in advance!
Not a morning person, I reckon...
Recreated childhood photo
The calming treat I gave him before the fireworks may have been a little too potent
To all those hitting the gym today
Making the difference
2019 Most Accurate Sign of the Year Winner
Revenge will be served cold
jame lmao
Thanks Gary!
My cat is a gamer.
A cat with very dense bonematter
My bar buddy Bill is a Vietnam Vet and gives zero ***s. He has mini traffic cones he puts on the bar if someone sits next to him he doesn't want to talk to.
Found my new favorite statue today!
Have you guys learned any new languages this year?
Stressed I was, needed the alcohol I did. Alco Yoda
Has it happened yet?
*** Yoda
The definition of Dad Bot
New year wishing
Instagram on New Year's Day
WTG Boeing!
Live shot of being the Third Wheel
2019 Keyboard Of The Year
Asked my boyfriend to make us breakfast. I’m not even mad
Slept over a friends house and he puts this up in the middle of the night.
Take cover
Something's off
Nah. Gimme that tiddy juice
It’s 2020!!
2019 has been extended folks!
Best bank ever
I feel like this was a shower thought
Christmas card my parents got this year.
say what again
At least it’s achievable.
Honest Resolutions
Got distracted for a few seconds, then I hear my son say "Look Dad, I'm the lawyer from Jurassic Park"
Just found this in a British pub. Hopefully the people sorting by new will see it.
What is thy wisdom
Selecting a Plane Seat
haha yes
My Spotify Account got hacked recently so I responded with this
Hey kitty, you okay?
Anon is The Terminator
I relate to this Elevator Out of Order sign far more than I should
Best New Years snacks for couples
Extended 2019
Best way to start the decade!
Green Wing was a great show
My nephews were visiting my parents for a week. This was taken 5 minutes after they left.
You ___ of a ___
wtf did u just say u lil ***
This sign at my local library.
This kid on ABC in Times Square
Marketing at it’s finest
It's that time of year..
Oh god. My heart.
Petition to replace Ryan Seacrest with a dog for New Years Eve
Mom asked me to decorate for our NYE party.
The wait is real
The greatest thing to come in the new decade
Not all heroes wear capes!
FOUR memes
2020 body goals
It should be tried this year
I guess the other sign wasn't doing the trick..
And a loner too
One of my favorite moments of this decade
I bought a set of colouring pencils. This is the name of one of them.
Always remember our roots...
Local gameshop had a driver run through the front window a couple weeks ago. Their new window decal.
We came a long way
Happy new ye zzzz!
Spread it for steffan
This movie review