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what do you mean Gedachtnis is best girl?
Calling Cards My Grandpa Kept In His Wallet As A Young Man
*God has left the game*
refuses to drink health potions, but will chug a 40
Could this be....?
flail wildly and shit yourself
At 16 I have become the first person in human history to perform in Carnegie Hall with Lightning McQueen socks
I Miss The '90s
Well played Flight Centre
This is absolute gold.
Itouched one once to see if he had rougher skin
Seen at the VA Gun Rally Today
Ready for Coffee
Identity theft is not a joke, Jim.
Making Mistakes
honestly just stay away, do not attempt to talk to me
Filipinos at the Taal Volcano evacuation center staying positive by trying on some of the clothes that had been donated to them.
It do be like that
The Rise of Skywalker
life as a HEALTHY adult
I tell you what
Don't listen to those kids, rain
Found in my 9 y.o.'s backpack. Solid business model
Equality gang where ya at
tit le needed
Canada has completed work on its boarder wall
Downgrade actually
Gandhi with the life changing quotes
I wouldn’t hesitate
My best friend always wonders why he gets "randomly" screened in airports. This is probably why.
Did I hear food!?
Give her back! She's mine! She built me damn it!
What's England like?
Witcher season 2 looks sick
*** headphones
*Geralt nosies*
frick now i can't see how many feet pics i was going to buy
Me posting finnaly after all those years
poly a tail
Dealers be hoarding all the good stuff for themselves
Ha Kirk the Mac
Our blind dog Tiny often sleeps in the strangest of places.
Y’all out here demolishing my gojiraposting so I guess ima diversity a bit
ya dweeb
Dick pic reference.
This is the best one of my life
I'll take ten
To the moon
Dammit Edna.
It’s my time to change
Omg maths
It’s impossible
Brand new sentence
Two guys just made an "earth sandwich" on opposite sides of the Earth - hold the mayo, please
No wonder it’s cold outside, some dumbass left their freezer open
Lettuce, Guacamole, Bacon, Tomato Sandwich!
I don’t know if I should cook this potato, or take it to the hospital?
Interesting Product Names
Guys only want one thing!
music snob
Whoever did this, thank you for making my night! Too funny!
me as a completeionist
Great family and friends! No one snooped the medicine cabinet during our housewarming party.
By The EMPRAH!!!
Warm em up
I design ridiculous product ideas for fun, so I designed a pair of jeans with one giant pocket across the butt for all your essentials.
With a door ding..
it do be like that
atta boy
I'm 19 and every now and again my dad gets wasted with his friends and they beg me to drive them to taco bell... My dad is the one with the beer in his shirt pocket
not relatable but understandable
Visiting snow vs living in snow
Got my kid a shirt to celebrate turning 2.
Everyone needs a day off one in a while
Had an electric day at the children’s museum
Bad boys eating much
Mace "MF" Windu
Bubbles is doing sit-ups
Heckin' chonkers
When an American goes to school and doesn't get shot.
I’ve been drawing these daily grumpy animals for 13 days somebody please save me I don’t know how to stop
I Have Never Pondered This Before
I just came home and see this from my dad
Cheaters never win