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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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not trying to die today.
Ordered an expensive gaming monitor and since no one was home the delivery guy decided to improvise
Realtor and her celebratory calendar
Those open carry folks
Classic Mulan.
Priorities in Life
Only mostly wrong
I still have a box of Lego wings and triangles
Can fish suck though?
Cool Old Stuff
A "higher" calling
Might as well stay single
Act cute and cuddly, my fellow business geese
Club Penguin is kil
Anyone else want a 4D GF?
Hardcore season’s
gottem XD
That answers one of lifes big questions
Maybe these two pages shouldn’t be together
When you see an anime post
dis nut
Dont eat it
I’ll take it...
Hope it's clear enough
How you feeling today lol
If only you knew the power of the pink side
Had to add Kevin Hart for scale...
Last week I posted about my 14yo son drawing a new comic on his bedroom door whiteboard each night. Here's a recent one I thought was pretty funny.
Lonelyman and his matches.
2 ways to celebrate Valentine's day
Thomas looks mad af !!
I don’t think anyone’s done this yet
i mean , he's not lying :)
Goblin Valley, Utah is a pretty special place...
Your free trial has expired..
sleep time
If u say so....
you're prepackaged response does not work on me
My current budget is not very big, but I try to get the best out of it.
We found love in a hopeless place
later: hElP me SavE mY dOg!!! Patreon in comments/description box/bio
Life of drug dealers.
yee yee bois
My kind of fellas :)
Mind = MEGA
Yes just the Finnish one pls
There are two ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day
China is gay
What happened here
Luck is an important stat too
Family photo.
i am bleeding internally
Where's the Guinness World Record's adjudicator?
Rip jack
My dog waking up from a nap still riding his pain meds...
Can't cum.
Meanwhile in Wuhan...
What is pizza but an open-faced sandwich?
If Disney was realistic
Same energy.
UDOT is at it again.
Wow, this senior center really be playing my jams.
My roommate takes his food very seriously.
The great mountain!
One step closer to pod racing
Could be worse ...
Get your own birth date you hobo
A+ for embracing your situation.
Teaching English class is a rewarding experience....
Iowa comes in strong once again
Want to play a game?
Lemme tell ya somethin!
House cat..Battle cat.. they all do it.
In 2020 we'll have flying cars they said. We're even further now.
I went to a temple and all the paintings looked like Nicolas Cage.
I work at a company whose staff is 85% female and we just hired 3 new male team members. The ladies are taking it well.
greetings fellow wife beaters
With each death I grow stronger
One quick way to get the dogs to behave.
Oh no
Granny no
I've found a glitch in the matrix
Utah traffic sign guy at it again!
Start Running Guys
Imagine coming across this while doing a maintenance check
New T-Shirt
Can't think of a better way to start off a textbook
Dr. Philbad, sending hugs
Might be a re
Polish actor from oscar nominated movie squatting on red carpet
Just a friendly reminder to y'all