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40 days ago I made a promise to myself to do something productive and draw a grumpy animal every single day. this is grumpy animal number 40
I’m doing ok! Wait a minute....
Tiawanese media made a subtle joke on TV news
N o o o
where did it bring you, back to...
The Celiacs approved TV mount I received from Amazon
Taxation is theft
This Yoda toy kinda looks like Bill Cosby
Crazy Cat Lady Saturday Night
Pacific Kim
He hasn’t figured out how reverse works yet
This be Indiana no question.
T i r e d
who's a good doctor? you are! yes, you are!
Have a great day
Cursed search
Songbird blowing rings
Snowmageddon Dragon 2020
After the runaway success of Cats, now we will have Cars.
Creative way to re-use the 2020 decorations
Me and the boys
In case you're having a bad day, hero you have a Keanu Reeves, pastor of doggos. Somewhere in Santiago, Chile.
Keeping the spark alive on our 9th Valentine’s Day together.
Putting all my music on shuffle
It sure is growing.
LeT mY dReAmS cOmE tRuE mOoOoOm
In The Mood [OC}
That yellow one in the middle. Yeah, that's me
It's bedtime...
Me and the boys.
Photoshopped to reflect how big she thinks she is
Hold me tight
How the word was invented
Using more gun isn't an exclusively american thing
Who said romance was dead? Happy Valentine’s Day.
My very elderly father has dementia & needs to start wearing depends, so I made a fake ad for “Disposable Sports Underwear” so he can use them without shame
My sister's husband gave her this for valentine's day. RIP to my brother-in-law.
college sucks, don't go
VTOL birb
Alone on V Day but my Russian professor gave me this so it's not all bad.
need to get that C
Hey dawg what you lookin at
i can fap to this
We've been bamboozled
The day after Valentines day!
This cart has seen some things
Jar-Jar Kinks
Just saw this at the airport waiting to pick someone up
I'm Open
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)=ε/̵͇̿̿/'̿̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿
Golfing 101
"Who lived in a pinapple under the sea? SPONGEBOB SQUARE PANTS! Died in an oil-spill caused by BP? SPONGEBOB SQUARE PANTS!"
You and me, babe
First Day of Work
My wife gave birth to Steve Buscemi
The true maths...
Went down the wrong highway.
Aww mom!
Tell me something about yourself.
just transferred to new apartment...with some interesting neighbors
day 39 of my pledge to draw a grumpy animal every day for a year
The Valentine's Day card I bought for my husband
Git off
Valentine's day confusion
It has been 67million years
Happy St. Valentine’s Day
Happy penis Christmas!
There are 4 rules.
Calvin’s take on Valentines Day by the brilliant Bill Watterson
*screams in STDs*
Happy Valentine’s Day from Scratches the cat.
Either One Is Good.
Joseph: "So let me get this straight..."
This must be the work of an Enemy Stand! [OC]
Ash definitely caught a legendary Pokemon
Kerbel space program
Ohhhhhhh yeahhhhh
Friend's Fish Died In The Appropriate Spot
A Valentine’s Day drawing by someone in a youth mentoring program.
Never change, Nintendo
Magnum Buu
you win some you lose some
5 pol blondes
Haha relate
happens to me very often but its cool cause no homo
Vitamin C section
Cowboy vs. Samurai
Remember This Today, for Your Own Good.
beyond ultra instinct
My math teacher perfectly defines my love life.
I identify as this mannequin.