We were drunk and cold and my boyfriend put me inside of his shirt. I found this picture this morning

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Old beer ad
My girlfriend is afraid of coronavirus. I’m afraid of her toothpaste.
Let him in.
Can we keep her?
Spring is coming fellas
A rare picture of brave men replenishing Earth's core with magma during the Great Lava Shortage of 1820s
Fly You Fools!
Never. Again. I. Swear.
Every time I call Williams name
Turns out dressing rooms aren’t safe from tall people
No on likes you sun
Lake Taupo, New Zealand-Hostel Pool Rules. The safest Pool in all of Middle Earth.
/fit/ is a goldmine
I love being ***ing 5ft 7'
Scotty no.
Follow me for more recipes..
Taste this..
Getting that bread
Giving a grown man some hard wood!
"No one will ever understand my suffering"
He really wanted his photo at the Halloween party, but was super scared of the spiders behind him
My mom bought me a microSD cart from a garage sale. She knew I was looking for a larger one for my phone.
My nose is useless atm
day 41 of me drawing a grumpy animal every day for a year no good reason
Gamers rise up!
My mom texted me this at midnight... ?
War crimes intensifies
you ready to have a heavenly time?
Better than being married to the wrong person
it is now canon.
Of course I can paint you on a horse! I've totally seen one before
Honesty is an optimal example of integrity
Bought a new car. It came with a puppy holder!
Our Shih Tzu eating a treat looks like WW2 Winston Churchill.
Wiener of Shame!
Found in a bar
Found this gem in the restroom of a bar
Damn, a lot of these would make great porn titles...
Your package of "A UPS Truck" has shipped.
Gods' plan for mankind
Best name description ever
When my friends ask how is my new diet going.
I heard the camera adds 10 pounds
sometimes you have to miss something to realize how important it is to you
Hold my broom...
Finns seen stuff
level 100 mafia boss.
a dog's nemesis
Dead or alive
god dAM-
he knew what he was doing, gotta have your PRIOITIES right
Dammit, Carlos.
Power Rangers gone wild.
A religious man dropped this off in my laundromat... I figure I'd answer the question for everyone
to be happy
Just to be safe
When my unborn child eventually asks if I want to play a game, I'm unsure what I'll say.
The engineer
It is my job.
*intense gay sex
1910: bikes that ran on railroad tracks, Pellston, Michigan
My phones not gonna drop and hit me on my face anymore
A rare glimpse of a mother truck and her trucklings in the wild
How to choose a doctor
Meanwhile in Argentina...
Oh Mr Chef!
Roasting a giant marshmallow
Don’t do it
I couldn’t help myself...
i want to be the little spoon, and for someone to gently kiss my neck
In case you were wondering, I'm against dicktators.
Tf does she mean
There is no stronger passion in this world than Hollywood's passion for making kid's movies about cartoon characters going on road trips with middle aged white men.
Verryy interesting.....
Aw yeah
A little bit of accurate future-predicting from an old Nintendo video game.
Unlimited powers
Someone threw a blanket over the statue.
Good one Dad
Goodbye little Jimmy
Take a solemn moment to reflect on this harrowing news story from 6 years ago.
Very nice yes
This shelter dog looks like Frank Gallagher
Thank good they didn't drop the L instead
This dog ate a weed gummy and had to go to the emergency room on Valentine’s Day.
Green Electric Chair