My girlfriend has a mouse in her house, so her cousin took it upon himself to do what was necessary

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It's all pink on the inside
I got a new graphics card for my computer, I don’t think it’s supposed to look like this
Some demons are people
Mobile users excluded
He'll never let you down
He's in serious need of a cold shower.
Perfect timing. Thank you murderer
Netflix recipe
Get the boat Noah!
Bo Burnham is a God.
Someone taped this to my wipes at work
The cookies weren't made wrong, they just had an alternate inspiration
GDQ is for noobs
How it really be
I wanna see how it ends
I gotta be careful where I sit. These tan lines are going to be hard to explain..
it is what it is
NASA lied to you
I thought that was always the rule.
Two sisters and their brother
A happy couple
Here's how to do it properly :)
double the fun
Voices in my head
get off my back, old man
U h h
Don't tell them I uploaded this
Equal Opportunities Post #2
Seems logical
Google's always listening...
This birthday card my grandma sent me
Equal Opportunities Post #1
Squeal like a Piglet
always be friendly to the quiet kid
Hand restoring cream?
changing my own tires today
Pizza date
It’s one of the Ten Commandments
Don't worry guys we're safe here
Solid point
Who says there ain't shit going on in Ohio?
When my friends with kids try to make me feel guilty about my decision to never have any.
Happy Mardi Gras from Bobbie Ross
My buddy sent this to me today. Made me chuckle
Cell repair 'request'
So I asked the Dominos guy to write a funny joke in the pizza box on the special description and got this
Jesus... would you look at the time.
Sad Story Of Yahoo
Slim Carrey
Who else hates Chevy ads
Passive Aggressive Food Preferences
An alpaca has two llama legs.
In video chat
HDMI kids would not understand this
Don’t do Milk kids.
You get what you effin’ deserve!
Just noticed this gem after 2 years of eating lunch at Red Robin on my break.
Pizza time!
Nice suggestion.
Harsh sentence
Top floor please!
My friend just figured out that the snapchat filters work on her chest tattoo.
Hello I am table
Not for every plant
As a dog owner I can relate with this
Ethel and Clarence just now learning what a roommate is
Women only think about one thing
An interesting sign
I’m 7!
Cat get eaten by alligator
If you have a skill, never do it for free
How quaint.
Playing hide and seek
sci fy classic
The only way to roll....
A new kind of Spider. Australia 2020
yas queen
I got you new phone!
time has collapsed
Can't wait to show all my friends I went to Japan..
Isabelle as a playable character in the new DOOM
Mechanic sets price based on the sounds his customers mimic when their cars need repairing.
Harmless mistake
Maybe don't put it like that...
You know who you are
You're a weak excuse for a man and other cool stories
My wife posted this sign during our Holiday Party.
I hope it's grapes at least