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The most foul, cruel, and bad-tempered rodent you ever set eyes on.

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I'm doomed
Prince Charmin
Just picking up friends from the airport.
Make sure to check the label when washing
Where does one purchase a bow?
Can u beat it?
WV finally wins
Hits way too close to home
Infinity Sanitizer Gauntlet
is it possible to learn this power?
Fall 2020
wash your hands
Probably an indica
my future
Winner of the worst tasting cereal contest
Someone was inspired
Hey, that's not fair.
I applaud whoever did this
*panics signing-ly*
Home renovation shows have a new plan
We’ll go down together.
Yeah wtf that is true
Only one minute in and it happened
Our dignity is intact
It's ankle-deep
The electrical section is oddly sexual..
And you have Corona nice job.
Publix grocery store got jokes.
The first internet class after corona closes all schools:
How to identify....
Etsy sent me an email saying that I violated their rules by being offensive. I made these keychains in light of Canada running out of toilet paper!
stay clean
Well it looks ugly
2020 for ya
I wish I could forget, to play Fallout76 like the first time
Good think I ate 500 of those
It seems that Corona virus is less aggressive to Spanish ppl’s ass, compared to Americans’
Updated schedule
2020 has been a whirlwind
Got this big roll of toilet paper as a gag gift for Christmas. Whose laughing now!?
only the strong and fearless can
Now it’s crossed the line
Agoraphobia virus
The horror
I’m ready!
I found a new symptom, notify the CDC!
Oooo look, a penny
Take that!
Hhhm very strange isn't it ?
Insert sad title here
Public health: Avoiding crowds is the best way to prevent the spread of this virus. People terrified of the virus
Is that like a personal attack or something ?
On sand
It’s funnier because I make the rules
The ritual is now complete.
Heard we’re all supposed to wear masks at the airport. I don’t really know how this is gonna help but my skin feels great
Don't let coronavirus distract you from today's date
Figured out how it's spreading
It’s time to re-write the textbooks
Hang in there baby
Standard insertion
It’s happening!!
The CEO of Charmin right now:
Because of the virus and toilet paper he got ignored :(
The great shortage of 2020
She didn't really think that one through...
It’s all been leading to this
the real thing
Let's not forget Marshall for Pi day
I know Coronavirus is no joke, but this was too good to not share
A sauter les repas je suis habitué
working from home because of coronavirus
Petition to make this the official logo for 2O2O
Happy pi day
Where the soap crisis at?
Made in America meme
It's Tuesday my dudes
Jamie, pull that up
Today's Motivation
lol @ cis
Found on Etsy:
Here we are now, entertain us
Muhahaha MUHhaha"
Watching my mother fight another mother for toilet paper
a most succulent fluid
At my local grocery store...
Most expensive dress right now.
Career plans
before killin himself
Couldn’t help but think of this scene with everything that’s going on.
I had this installed two years ago. Who’s laughing now?
An American Horror Story - the 2020 season....