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Lockdown in Europe means that only essential services are open for business
Social Distancing Interval Test
Straight facts!!
Punctuation is so important.
Watch for the bonk
The answer is no
Free commission friday #11
Dino knows what he’s talking about!
Lockdown has up appreciating the little things
Day 12 of quarantine: I traversed the microwave and accidentally spilled ice all over the kitchen floor. Girlfriend was pissed but it’s all water under the fridge now...
Priorities have changed.
Essential personnel
Goofy would be proud.
Works for writers too.
I get wet, I'm coming for you, Briar Rabbit.
Made me laugh at the store
We all know this is true
Math does not compute.
Walked passed this a million times at my parents house. Just read it today ha.
Now everyone is right
It is very simple
When the cameras still on.
Joe Exotic exposes the Corona Virus
Someone finally found success
Oh Why was five afraid of seven?!
it’s all the same
Possibly the best sign ever posted in my neighborhood...
quarantining got me doing all sorts
Trying to fight the blues with humor.
Is it just me or is Cuomo's nipple totally pierced?
garsh darn it
we all know its a scam
Must look busy.
Dry laundry goes : brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Cutting-edge Cats
Being British
Vegas Baby!!
This is impacting everything...
For a classy lady
This man must think he's Indestructible or something.
There is a massive upside to all this self isolation. With less travel, less pollution and less human activity the Earth is healing and recovering. This was London this morning.
Anyone else relates now with the virus outbreak and all?
True, I guess
What in the world
When the girl sees you naked for the first time
It's a good thing I don't have this power
Our town mall before and after the lockdown.
BIG like you've NEVER seen before
I also choose Will Smith's house
That sweet sweet inkwater
*** Printer
Prove HL is full of freaks
My parents wanted to see my brother for his 32nd birthday. This is what he saw when he looked out his window. What a strange time.
Puns cause me physical pain
Y'all are Savage for this one
"I am sorry neckbeards, only I can drown in pussy" - Tom89
Day 12 of quarantine:
When we get pulled over during Covid-19
6 feet
The second my state legalized weed
JoMama's Bizarre Adventure
Pretty early to be that confident.
Car no do that.
My sister put a level on her head, and said "it helps me think straight"
Walking a pet is a valid reason to step out.
The danger of bending over in front of a large cat
I'm not ok
My 30th birthday had a surprising turn out all things considered
My sister sent me a picture of my newborn niece for my birthday, since I haven't been able to meet her yet!
How much is rent again? Like $10?
Enough is enough with this virus! We need proper action right now!
Improvised whiteboard
There's nothing wrong..
Modeled my quarantine daily schedule after one of the greats.
Karens and toilet paper
Toast time
Got so bored that I decided to solve a upside down puzzle
My parents are the farm parents
Just a friendly reminder that today is actually Friday...carry on
I was ahead of the curve
Bout to do something I'm not proud of.
The duo makes a comeback!
Stay at home, people
My cat’s energy right now
This calms me down
you are in its shadow, after all