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My cat’s energy right now
This calms me down
you are in its shadow, after all
Shitter indeed
Koopa Troopa
Why did Kermit fall from the roof?
He’s positive he’s negative
their kids: sweet n sour nigge*s
John wick ...
Looks like the final resting place of Clifford the big red dog
Carrrrrl and COVID-19
Credit to santhumb on fb
Social Distancing Champ since January 25, 2004
So, I’m in debt cause of my coffee addiction...
You can't convince me they didn't title this article like this on purpose...
No time to explain, get on the moose.
Murica first
Who remembers reading Kafka?
She's doing great at the half way point of her reign
Captain’s Log
Stuck in alone in quarantine for my birthday. Family thinks they're funny and sent me party supplies.
He knew all along!
While the Rest of the World Waits at Home Under Lock Down, These Brave Men Fight the Virus on the Front Line. These Heroes Are Called... the Essentials.
Social distancing champion 2020
That's enough!
Our country has been in movement control order. This is 10days into the lockdown.
Fearless Guardian
Tulsa liquor store ain’t playin no games.
Time are tough, but not that tough
I cannot make this up! I miss them so much!
My wife dressed up for her birthday during lockdown. This is the result of watching The Tiger King, boredom and a lot of whiskey.
I need to get out. My snake ready for our fancy dinner tonight.
Black belt!
my Dad’s creative Craigslist post
Ostrich Wood
I’ll just leave this here .
Isolated donuts
Now with three lenses!
Social distancing pickup lines
horny bubbling noises
We are all Sheldon now
My daughter blowing through her inheritance like it grows on trees.
What, you've never heard of it?
Half Life Alyx is looking pretty good
Long Distance Learning according to an 8 year old
Day 4 of homeschooling and Bruce is ready for the heathens to go back to school
That poison?
⧫︎□︎□︎ ●︎♋︎⧫︎♏︎ (March Meme Revival)
Moleman has needs
Just found this.....
Back of a Banksy book
Day 17 of Quarantine, That Lamp Lookin Phat
the horror
f*cking Ancaps
Ask and you shall receive
Putting mr. Bean faces on characters is always huilarious
Archiving the Chain since nobody else did (bonus meme in comments)
Clean Up Time!
No way around it
Now that's just rude
Nephew has his birthday today. His mom didn't disappoint.
My mom started coughing and my dad isn't playing
My last gift to HL before I go back into my slumber
My six year old looked at me all serious and said "mom, can I Lion King the baby?". This is what ensued.
He had this all planned out
Seems like a pretty safe spot to park
Its in the genes you see
press a to interact
Cooler guide
like we got 10 years
My local theater has a sense of humor
Fling deals damage equal to the sacrificed creature's power to any target.
Where is greasy food is taken more seriously than science?
For those of you who are totally off schedule this is just a reminder that it’s currently Thursday...carry on
Pizza place in my town is known for being stoners, this was their sign today.
Nice dress you have there
This isn't how pie charts work...
Day 23 of quarantine - seeing what household appliances look like in different positions...
Are we cool?
I was there when I stole it
My birthday was yesterday but I'm also under quarantine. Decided to throw a birthday party for myself, with myself.