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Hugelols Minister of OC
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The air is so clean now, you can see Sydney from New York.
show him the suicide booth
The next step in evolution
The Queen's Address
Hello darkness my old friend
creepy Joe
Stepping up the vandalism game
Things that make you go hmmm
"Breathtakingly accurate" Chicago Sun Times
When people look at me
Comic book guy telling it like it is
Squirting Cumulus
Am I trippin' or vibin'?
Was looking at local rescue pets; was slightly horrified to stumble upon what I thought was a conjoined dog...
A nat 1 is a nat 1, sometimes it be like that.
Jesus, look at the time.
This toll road
Rob Lowe as Tiger King
Ah yes, or the warlock
so happy
My Mom made my Dad a mask, she found the scarf a few years ago and had it in her sewing scrap bin. I’m thankful for their sense of humour, my parents are great.
The hills are closed
Disturbing the peace!
I saw this at my local CVS
Look behind you...
Check on your crafting friends...They're not ok.
No face graduates business school
Probably true!!
Our dogs were not prepared for the level of emotional support we require during quarantine.
Never the same
Star Wars: Rogue Wuhan
Works “hick” for... me
Who’s bored? We’re not bored. We recreate famous paintings ALL the time.
Can anyone confirm this?
Thought this belong here
True cause.
Even Snoop got with the program!
Already thinking of what liquor im buying
Waiting to pay in line and seeing your future self.
Quarantine; Tensions are High
Marilyn Manson looks like Nicolas Cage disguised as Marilyn Manson
They arrested the bride and groom for having a wedding during lockdown
User Announcement
Can soda milk bread
Well thanks for the predictions FOX
Maybe I should have payed more attention to what the queen was saying
My town has a local street artist that changes his mural a few times a week to keep up with current events. This went up today.
My friend didn’t want to wear a face shield so I made a Sailor Moon one to convince her
this is so sad.
This “Hummingraptor” I photoshopped.
This is the before and after of my brother who shaved his hair and beard to look old.
In England, not only do the cats queue but they also adhere to social distancing protocols
Glued my toys together, painted them and made a trophy
On my way to respect some women
Thanks for the April birthday mom.
Last warning
Sometimes the difference between landscape and portrait is a baby being held, and a baby being spiked like a volleyball.
The game is not uno hands :'(
With the new CDC recommendations, a volunteer made some fun cat cloth masks for our department
Stereo to mono converter
You have to wait!!
Inspirational. Love it ....
Getting some fresh air..
Just stay home ...
The back of this innocent bottle
THE power hammer
get vectored
Fun drinking game. One honk=one shot
Im calling PETA
War? It never changes.
She woke up from her nap looking like this
Changed my family's logins
Whomever threw this out: pick it up, it is going to rain and the world is already full of problems
What a chad
Probably the best line from that show
isolation with the family. What could go wrong?!?
Someone in my city saw an opportunity and ran with it!
My son was scared of my wife's wound, so she put wiggly eyes to make it look like a grumpy face
thanks mom
Who says you can’t interact with your delivery drivers?
“Blessed be”
My neighbors front lawn dad joke #15
OJ might be on to something.
seems like a cool guy
The Quarantine Sandwich
Why Diner not Dinner?
I always have room for dessert
Anon is not a simp