My son was scared of my wife's wound, so she put wiggly eyes to make it look like a grumpy face

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thanks mom
Who says you can’t interact with your delivery drivers?
“Blessed be”
My neighbors front lawn dad joke #15
OJ might be on to something.
seems like a cool guy
The Quarantine Sandwich
Why Diner not Dinner?
I always have room for dessert
Anon is not a simp
Le gay Paris
At our local brewery.
The crossover we need...
I’m so proud of them
My cactus decided to grow some balls
My 23 Year Old Brother Decided to Shave His Hair and Beard so That He Could Look Like an Old Man...
This kid hit his bike against a car. In Taiwan, any traffic accident requires a breathalyzer test.
None of you are invited
Given that this was written in 1985 onwards this is disturbingly relevant
sweet jesus
Fully approved N95 face beard
Be sure to always check the size when ordering treats!
My neighbors been posting daily dad jokes on his lawn since the lockdown started in LA. Here’s #20
Yes April
Why didn't they just ***ing show us this in school?
I also made a squirrel picnic bench.
Good for me
The Kingdom of Self-Isolation
Can someone explain this...?
Power went out in the neighborhood. I have too many children. But gonna dad through it.
I miss parks
So true. Where is my cat?
New Spider-Man movie finally got a title
Daddy chill
You know he's already disappointed in you and thinks your salmon is RAW
Shoot first
Found this on imgur.
Defending my Master's in my pajamas today
Hood life
The inevitable
calm down, Admiral.
Phoebe is Facebook
Who knows what's coming next.
Quarantina Day:)
They train them you
Macedonia posting time
screw those goth letters. and Q.
Read a book!
Worst year?
Return back to sender
Well I have to give the calculator a solid 10/10...
I had to use a couple of my dog's tennis balls for my wife's walker. He's not very happy about it.
Well, it's quarantine day... Again
Whoopie Cordberg.
Corona doesn't discriminate
Meanwhile, at Whole Foods...
Maybe we are
Hue hue hue
German engineering
Went to download the free ‘family edition’ of cards against humanity and had to agree to these terms and conditions.
These chicks smh
This message left for thieves
Man with rucksack of cannabis tells police “I’m buying in bulk due to the lockdown”
Still better than most of nhentai
Was giving away Toilet Paper in this outfit. Before the hate, just want to clarify, we do not have city quarantine where I am from... At least for now
They be hard to get out too :(
all I wanted was a HAM sandwich
Improvisation at its finest!
No dancing níggas this time, i promise
No u
there's no end to the depths of degeneracy
Wake af
Home office
The big 3-0 today!
Don't mind the gay watermark
Wesley predicted this
Wife got bored and colored in my tattoo with sharpies
Ohio's Governors sign language person looks like him dressed as a woman.....
You Win Some...I Lose A Bra
Funniest Shit V2
You know this is on point
Straight up man
Someone in my neighborhood drew Tiger King on the sidewalk
The Pepsi cup is too real
My local brewery is on to something.
Uh oh
Calling in the reserves for the month April
this has rendered me split in half, my heart, my soul
My assignment is due tomorrow
Shelter-in-place coping levels measured in cartoon bears