Man with rucksack of cannabis tells police “I’m buying in bulk due to the lockdown”

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Still better than most of nhentai
Was giving away Toilet Paper in this outfit. Before the hate, just want to clarify, we do not have city quarantine where I am from... At least for now
They be hard to get out too :(
all I wanted was a HAM sandwich
Improvisation at its finest!
No dancing níggas this time, i promise
No u
there's no end to the depths of degeneracy
Wake af
Home office
The big 3-0 today!
Don't mind the gay watermark
Wesley predicted this
Wife got bored and colored in my tattoo with sharpies
Ohio's Governors sign language person looks like him dressed as a woman.....
You Win Some...I Lose A Bra
Funniest Shit V2
You know this is on point
Straight up man
Someone in my neighborhood drew Tiger King on the sidewalk
The Pepsi cup is too real
My local brewery is on to something.
Uh oh
Calling in the reserves for the month April
this has rendered me split in half, my heart, my soul
My assignment is due tomorrow
Shelter-in-place coping levels measured in cartoon bears
The 90's
Zoom meeting reality
CVS Receipt = Social Distancing Ruler
Showing off my new bae
Covid tip #34
Our social distancing future
Received notice at work :)
Don’t cheat or else you might end up growing a tail
A little PSA during these times....
This person has been walking their dog the past few days in our neighborhood. Either he’s out of masks or he is just trying to give people a good laugh.
That's racist!
Quarantine Day 18
Morning stretches!
Potato, potahto
Quarantine Day 22: Getting my chicken ready for her date.
A Tale of two warriors
Best Birthday ever ❤❤❤
As if you had a GF
It's good to be the King.
Apparently one of them turned on the new Roomba while I was sleeping upstairs. I opened the door to see this crew all hiding from the noise.
I'm good at physics but evil
Yes, prettyamalous
This thicc banana
I hadn’t seen this one yet
Epic joke
It only feels like drowning because that is definitely what is happening...
My wife sent me the picture on the left. I sent pack the picture on the right
Just rewatched Happy Gilmore.
Satan looking at God’s plan for 2020
I don't know this feeling
Ummm, yes?
How to work remotely...
I designed a mug that perfectly matches my working from home productivity
He applies for a job in a bank later
Carry a jackass you know on your back today!
Zoom CEO
exercise? i thought you said mass genocide
God right now
And, no one suspected a thing.
its coming
Dangit Joey!
-walks across stage-
Just bringing back an old template
#notall (thanks red circle)
It can
Made this for fun. Do your part!
Social distancing makes the opening of the Nightingale hospital look like an album cover.
I just had my big outing for the week.
The most invigorating hand sanitiser I've ever used
Do you know how fast i am?
I wanted t(o c)ommemorate this event
And they called him a madlad
But those gas prices, Doc
Don't mess with German ships
No touching. Maintain social distance.
just be yourself bro
Cheese is a product of microbiological activity