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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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Let's go boys
Social distancing with South African measurements
Unachievable standards of beauty
This is like coming out, but with extra steps
(chuckles) I am in danger
Due to the quarantine and nearly no pollution, the pizza plants in southern Italy are finally starting to bloom again!
Comunicate With Your Neigbors
Best. Stat. Ever.
what the heck
My first post !
Toads make me happy
Loud Silence
The path of the sith
mr sex goblin
where men cried
Quarantine is an Adventure
Lovley congratulations to everyone who has a birthday during the quarantine. ❤️❤️❤️
Jar Jar Skywalker
I bet this dog knows where to buy some coke
My Mima saw a pillow at the grocery store that looks just like her cat Tuna- she sent me this picture
Wife asked for ice cream. Hers is beans. I’m a terrible person
They're the same person
Want some Lyme with that?
Accurate representation of 2020 so far
Found Shrek’s home
When someone who has been in a coma since December ask you what happened.
Why does Stephen Colbert look like he’s in Dragon Ball Z!?
Do we laugh or do we cry cause I don't know?
That damn gorilla
Brother-in-law's neighbor
I’m listening.
A friend sent this to me.....
Say “what” again....
Oh, No
Much controversial
I see how it goes
She’s not going anywhere
My neighbors front lawn dad joke #23
Cat with Heterochromia and a funny face
Working on my latest preneur
Insert female navy seal copypasta
Working on a COVID-19 ward, trying to lighten the mood.
Please be Protoss
Do YOU know of any better ones?
ooooooo GoT em
Family yoga in the morning!
Day 9 Quarantine....
Found this while paroozing the neighborhood on Google Maps
I am a middle child and I can confirm this is true
From the Ministry of Silly Walks in Ottawa, Canada
Target doesn’t just staple some, it staples all of them
it do be like that
I'm going to blow up the Capitol Building irl
why, of course
Thank you TopGear
Circumcision offers no tactical advantage
I changed my IG's username to and all my friends startd getting this notification
1000 iq move
Take my good hand!
grand opening, come on in
conference call
Potion Seller, I'm going into battle, and I want only your strongest potions
That is the face of no regret
Me and my bed monster before sleeping
How Canadians pay by debit at the drive through.
Adress unknown
Everybody’s Tinder profile in 6 months. “As you can imagine, they didn’t let us out much”
George Michael with the quarantine vibes
its time for middle east
Week 4
When people are told to stay inside
People getting their message across in my neighborhood
Found this hidden gem on Snapchat, thought I should share it here
That *** Carole ***in Baskin
This place charged me $2.25 just out of spite.
Master Splinter training the turtles irl
Golden Girls always get it
Today's lock and home screen
Quarantine Quality Check
Celebrating my birthday today...
Zombieland was so unrealistic
April has begun!
Stay inside people
Revenge of the mutt
Spotted this in my city
Chinggis Khaan time
My workplace asked us to recreate famous works of art using only what we had at home. I think I nailed it.
damn b1tches
stock market gains
Exponential Graphs