I'm the owner of the lamb chicken nugget and it now resides in its own display case

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Can you hear this image?
Nice of her
It's a very very thick wall calendar.
Never read the Justin’s Almond Butter label before...
Bored at home and had 2 stuffed tigers. So we now have mini Joe Exotic
Photoshop level: 1000!
If Snoop Dogg was a Pixar character
it says: "Stay inside or you gonna dance with us"
This is a horse, of course.
My Parents Sent Me This From Their Retirement Community Today
Easter 2020
Kinda gay tbh
Might not be the most effective for Corona but it sure keeps people the hell away
“Visible confusion”
I watched Alien last night for the first time. I know it’s an older movie but it was very relevant.
Ah yes, the aligator system
The law means nothing to me
He's not coming back, is he?
Instructions unclear, cat stuck on door
Masked shopping
There’s a bathroom in my parent’s house that is lit by a single window and this is what happens every day.
The new 5G tower across the street
I'll give this post a cool title with my title-inator
Strategic cleaning for Zoom Calls!
crash nebula on ice
I photoshopped a beatle into a beetle into a beetle.
View from my balcony due to less air pollution
Good luck getting in
I can’t stop laughing
The face your wear today hangs over your head for the rest of history
Stupid bird
Jimmy's mom has got it going on
Lockdown effect.
The church in my town is always posting fantastic signs
the one before that? don't even ask
Press "F"
another 4 years
Terms & Conditions of budget airlines
big f*cking mood right here
*missing for 3 weeks*
Long, thick, and full of hot stuff
newer generations won‘t know about this prob
Who are You Sacrificing to End All This?
Take out centi
Been wondering why the Corona molecule looked familiar.
I’m the fake inventions guy. It seems like everyone is making bread, so I made the Sourdough Satchel.
this meme is Delta_2^P complete tbh
More accurate than most realize...
Corona mouth
im ridin' with biden
Everyone is scared of 5G towers but as kids we used to sit and stand on these green boxes all day
My friend thought her chicken nugget looked like a lamb so she gave him tooth pick legs
Well, thank goodness the virus can’t move sideways.
The last nerve
My Wife Needed a Model for Her Photography
When there are no masks...
A mother plier feeding its wrenchlings.
A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.
My roommates zoom meeting attire
This dog poops rainbow.
For those who need to hear it remember...
How it happened
I told my students that if almost all of them did an online test they could choose my facial hair
on COVID19:
Aaaaaaaaaaand perfect!
My 3.5 year old ran inside to go to the bathroom, but apparently took a detour for a fistful of brownies. There's literally a handprint in the middle of the pan.
Who says you have to be alone on your birthday?
bro, stop
Getting more creative with my video chat backgrounds
Check One, check two.
Quarantine opening new opportunities
Wearing glasses in the age of quarantine - Credit @bhaist on Twitter
Guess who’s going to survive the extinction this time????
Covid pros and cons
doing my part
My neighbors front lawn dad joke #24
Well, I guess that answers that question.
This is exactly why I hate online homework.
New mask that protects you and keeps people away!
it is yellow
Mark is a genius
Calm your tits, Bethesda
3 weeks Quarantine! (I cant go to the beach and film the crabs)
That damn Carole Baskin!
kinda yeas but no