My daughter got a camera for a birthday. One of the first things she did with it was to barge in the bathroom and take a pic of me taking a dump.

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The child found my wig, my grandfather quit drinking, dad started to stutter
To cheer me up during stay-at-home my friend knitted me this little bucket of dicks.
Never submitted it anyways
Might want to reconsider that USB hub design...
What's your cat's breed? Uh, he's a crossbreed of trolls and Variags and his name is Gothmog.
Yeah. I’ve felt that way too.
When COVID19 is over and you can finally go finish the eight grade
The only thing to complete this scheme that's missing is a tinfoil hat
Elon Musk's son, named X Æ A-12 Musk, bonding with other babies in the nursery room
cross the t's...
Because it makes sense
X Æ A-12 ultrasound leaked
There is a trend.
we are keepers of the peace, not soldiers
Oh geez, Doc
IF only...
After Murder Hornets....Watch out for Shark Birds!!!
quarantine vibes
Jesus, Anakin
For the motherland!
I’m going to be up all night thinking about this
Hillary Hillary....
I can get in there real deep
2020 bad lmao
That's racist!
Unfortunately I found this way more funny than it should’ve been..
Meanwhile the essential workers speak Vietnamese
There are no more panels bc there will be no more months
Forget everything and rakija
I want to work in this office.
Change of heart?
A man of focus, commitment and sheer f*cking will
We all know why
US doctors trying to stop a patient from leaving without paying (colorized)
Naming your child X Æ A-12
It finally makes sense
Cats, Dogs, and Quarantines
Krokodil is badass
2020 year of the rat for sure
That lovely smile was to say “Thank You”.
Remembering names
Grower or Show-her?
I put a zombie face in front of our baby monitor. My wife was not happy when she checked on our baby in the middle of the night.
There's also a dildo in it which you can't see
Textbook move
I hope Benji will be a'ight
We came here to collect our monthly pets.
This can’t be real
It’s hard to say
"boog bois" are larpers, don't @ me.
Sting operation
Murder Hornets, now this.
tastes different [OC]
I think I found an Ant Fight Club.
I wish to eat the fruit
I actually have ADD, and can’t count the number of days I’ve had like this
good pic tho
Day vs Night
Master of the sphincter
10 years since Bill Gates told me that lunch was a once a day thing.
Or a croissant
The little girl on her way to get revenge on the monkey that dragged her
Big orange
Try this trick and y'all be done with parenting in 10 minutes
Actually he is not .
X Æ A-12 arriving to his first day of school
The russians were the real monsters
The impact of Corona
Update: we caved, the high chair is now for her
As an American I can confirm
I used the wrong lens when taking a pic of my doggo
The cat who is judging our poor life choices
I like to edit Facebook posts I see and repost them. The mom group now banned me and did not laugh at this one either.
We finally have Pokedex entries
I'm singe handedly responsible for 47% of all of this
Flying cars
United States right now.
This hits close to home
I think our 1 ½ year old is trying to kill us
Really is a lot to ask for in 2020...
Just some bee’s preparing for murder hornets
A quick note to Chewy...
My friend's coworker dressed up as Joe Exotic and its SPOT on.
Pixel dog.