You know what’s an even better gift than health coverage or a raise?? A big thank you card billboard that is essentially an advertisement. How sweet!!

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Picked out my mask for when the bars reopen.
I hope this is allowed here because it made me laugh out loud.
Have a good Friday night
Right to jail
My state decided to cancel it’s state fair this year.
Shoe in a snake
This is my kind of Yoga
Every time I try to follow a recipe.
Doggo loves u
As long as there’s money involved...
Don't let them tell you to stay inside!
finger banged
One of my wife's friends gave these homemade onesies to her at her baby shower.
"Bite my shine metal grill"
are you?
finally something good on tv
Civilian Crown Vics should be banned
If they could read.
Is it just me ?
A candidate we can all get behind.
This is the fact
not as gay as that font
I'm Kickstarting a 200pg book of my comics. Here's 70.
People who go to the beach to complain about people at the beach
I’m so confused right now
American COVID
I am tired of these people
I'm the master of the mother ***ing universe, and I want you to ***ing acknowledge it!
Missing my office chair
Cannibalism at its finest
Shall we play a game?
Due to much less human activity, we can observe copter family playing and hunting in the wild. Earth is indeed healing.
If I have a Death Note
Ever been caught between a ...soft place and a soft place...
I'm never going to financially recover from this.
Free Wifi?
why would you do any of that
Not the ice cream I wanted as a kid, but the ice cream I deserved.
Sylvester, GA
This restaurant got teddy bears to keep peoples tables apart during the pandemic
c o n s u m e
What level of depravity is this?
I’ll just leave it here
I saw this infront of a restaurant in Portsmouth NH, they're right
Spotted in Hamburg, Germany
You came to the wrong pond, mother***er
eyelash kisses
Would dope up and chill
Just Wanna Talk
a new method for cheating
On the plus side, she will not have to babysit!
Saw this on Facebook, made me chuckle.
Wicky Wicky Wild Wild West! Jim West! Desperado! Rough Rider! Nah you don't want nada!
They pay me to build decks, not to move rocks.
Wasp driving a car
jeb is a fuϲking moron he's asking the wrong guy
The judges have agreed and we will accept that answer.
I'm black
Kids these days will never know the hardships of each week having to overcook a fresh hardboiled egg yolk for the computer mouse
Ouch ouch ouch
A slight misunderstanding.
Someone needs to confiscate my 3d printer
No one can match Peepeeboy_69
Chicago’s sleep paralysis demon watching it sleep at night. 
Missing my mommy nights out
My dad apparently sneaks his remote into a local bar so he can change the channel when he doesn’t like what’s on. I’m equally embarrassed and impressed.
A local pizza place has strict distance rules!
Due to mandatory face masks, I now serve COBRA!!!
I drew this
't were simpler days...
My Petrochemical Romance
Karon Musk
Nitey night!
SpikeTV always asked the important questions.
My country needs me! I must go!
Nurse who only wore underwear under transparent PPE gown on male hospital ward in Russia because she was 'too hot' is disciplined
oh no
Well let's find out
Brought to you by BEPIS
public speaking.
Paw Patrol really took a turn these recent years...
How does it fit?
The ole 'sorry I was on mute' excuse
You better pray that your plumbing can handle the power
oh noe
Chopping onions