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I gave my dad a really heartfelt card this year.
It's hard being a gamer
Lol Dads on Facebook
How the turntables
My soon to be Father’s Day shirt
My dads Father’s Day card. I hope he likes it.
I want this
My neighbors cat looks like Ron Perlman
Leave me alone
A meal prep package that I can get behind. Happy Father’s Day!
He has a bright future
Dads feeding their babies
This is how it works at my house
This rule was in place long before social distancing
The Schrodinger's score
I think he appreciates it
I would go
Happy Proud Father’s Day!
Go to horny jail
I don’t know what this is but it’s been staring out my neighbours window and looking super depressed for weeks now.
My Fathers Day card was a rickroll. He got me, but proud daddy moment
Shipping arrives in 45 seconds
Pedo destroyed me
Grumpy old man dog
Use Protection.
An (old) new gender
My daughter roasted me for fathers day. I couldn't be more proud
Harry Potter is LITERALLY my life
When the editor is too tired to check the front page before printing
Insert some whitespace beforehand to make the cropping a cinch
My Wife has been secretly collecting pictures of me for months sleeping. Today, for Father's Day, I was gifted the collection. I present "Catnapping".
Beware the NWO
Giraffes: the genesis
Wims Smiths
So my wii is now a wwewe?
Anata wa watashi no chikara o kashō hyōka shite imasu
Seen at the airport tonight
i can RESPECT that you corrected me, BITϹH
Big leaf small
This man is a marketing genius
Classical music, yes of course
still couldn't stop the bomb boy
Social Distancing 101
They made it a shirt
We've all heard the stories
This is Anselmo
Meg from Family Guy.
This dude put his WHOLE ASS on my drink wtf
Found this gem on Instagram
They don't need all that gold anyway
Sometimes, the photo just speaks for itself.
Beware of dog hair
Logan just turned a year old and she still loves her pacifier ☺️
My girlfriend's handbag looks like the Predator
dumbledore approves
Extreme sport
2020 got me even missing old commercials
Stupid covid
The most expensive monitor stand in the world
Summary of 2020 so far
Moroccan soccer fans grammar check their rivals in real time
*** donkeys
Thank you, Brian, very cool.
Classic Leonard
Finally got a picture of it. There's another on the opposite side of the building.
Dog of Wisdom
This makes comics a little more interesting...
I Thought I was the only one
War neverm chamges
Step dads
Getting lost in the rainy season sure ain't fun.
Just bought this book but had to return it for all the fowl language
Glad to see my local Walmart finally has a place to drop off your kids while you shop!
So I guess Ace Ventura is working for UPS now!
I photoshopped this picture of a dog under a car
Rare photo of mother Wrench feeding her new hatchlings in the wild. Breathtaking.
peter gets it
Survival pro tip
We couldn’t stop giggling. We finally got there.
I have a feeling the photographer never made it out alive
he could this all day
Jumpm of faimth
Admire its cuteness
Thought I was safe because my office was locked...well played co-workers, well played
Dubai is such a glamorous city...