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Telling a memer he only won because he spammed the most, is like telling a bicyclist that he only won the race because he peddled the fastest
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My 39-week pregnant wife went to the store to “get stuff for dinner”. This is what she came home with
Twas a bit hot today in London...
The box says ages 9 to 99
"There might have been some miscalculations in my plan" -Dog
Joker 2019.
God knew that this logo was too good to be used
Crappy off brand
It has been a year, and my wife still has not noticed I changed the dining room outlet cover.
Return to tradition.
100% useless
Pain au chocolat not finding the situation funny
BuT i HaVe a GoOD PeRsoNaLiTy
This is a re but I love it! Get it bro
More like 40,000
Insulin, I choose you!
Guys shes not that bad ¯\_ಠ_ಠ_/¯
Nanobot fears vs reality
Companies care, too
Featherless biped
Nobody cared who I was, until I took off the mask.
not a single tanning bed in Egypt?
Love, COVID-19
I like rayon myself..
Dat cat..
Infamous cat
The only way I'll get a big tiddy goth gf is by dying
What works?
You Have Your Mother’s Eyes
she loves me
If it's stupid and it works, it ain't stupid
Odds and ends
Atleast he’s honest
I love little misunderstandings like this
Don't fall for his CIA tricks
Baby crying a lot? Dyson has a solution.
The alligator is around.
Social distancing in Paris cafe yesterday
My kind of girl <3
Oops should have worked harder.
I would never cheat baby!......
Pornstars have a life to
Poor Whit :(
Yeah you big dummy
He's back!
There right.
dont you dare
watched me switch sides? Want me to do it again?
Imperial vs Metric Spaceships
Bomb planted
This sign on my way to work
This man has incredible luck some might say
Taking my dog on her first trip. Don’t wanna lose her.
Seen on a slushy machine in my home town
Good 'ole Florida
Avoid 2020!!
Got any grapes
Gordans never seen so much bullshit
This was in front of a house in Arkansas. I am worried.
The importance of light in a photography..
If you know you know
Grateful for masks today.. post dental appointment left me a little two faced
This litter sign in England.
Friend just sent me this and it just really got me thinking.
Why masks are good
We will, we will, wash you.
Well holy crap... Strap in everyone it's going to be a fun ride
Oh that's a big boy...
007 music starts while driving a tractor
Ride on lawn mower, $300 barely used, good condition
Good game
I was asked to be the example of "What not to wear" for our companies new dress code policy. How did I do?
They aren't so bad once you get to know them
Love it so much it's amazing!!
Kind of seems worthless on the battlefield
Because everyone hates a sequel...
Modern problems require modern solutions
I don't like me either, we should date
My favorite sign on the way to nowhere
and it's not even tuesday
Which colours
This has to be finished..
The future is soi
Mmmmmm nice
Ready to go grocery shopping with my new mask
history repeats
So true it hurts!
Your welcome baby. I'm out