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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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Moon landings were a hoax
Doge boye.
Never believe the meows
She’s Olivia Nope
*casually looking for Aliens*
i'm gonna do what's called a pro gamer move
Here I am sitting in bed, just about to sleep.
Paraplegic going in for reconstructive surgery on a pressure ulcer on my tailbone.
Damnit Jim, I'm not a Doctor, I'm a..... Oh yeah, I'll get right on it!
Australia Man
Chocolate Sandwich Biscuits
neck.png not found
Employee of the month!
Google Maps now has Baltimore's Christopher Columbus statue pinned in the harbor.
Tested positive for COVID19 2 weeks ago and still stuck super sick at home... My best friend made these for me and dropped them off to cheer me up! Thought I would share.
Oops, I think I dropped my A E S T H E T I C
Live laugh love and DESTROY!
Still trying to figure out why is it happening
Local Music Hall’s Solution to Help Stop the Spread of COVID-19.
Well isn’t that ironic
The sacred texts.
I'm actually love his art
Every time I go do something outside
This shit will NEVER end at this rate
The great Trolley Dilemma
Proper content
The genetic lottery
Nap so good I have to save it for later
Local gas station in San Antonio.
How many layers of irony are *you* on?
Literally... the fact!!
I will sacrifice my karma to summon a repost of dead memes just to make a point how fragile humor is
Two words.
Rave reviews of the washroom at work
It rhymes
Cultural regression
You’d think 2020 would be running out of things to throw at us, but nope, you’d be wrong...
Koala is my new favorite animal
Sure has Jen... Sure has...
They really gonna do it
Tfw you finally made it
Immortalised in silver for all of eternity!
typical day in florida
Be careful what you ask for
I don't joke with my health
Found Dis Burd
*shitty userposter intensifies*
Today I decided to bake myself a nice big loaf of BREABWUALABLEUHAEUA
The forbidden trick!
Placebo in a nutshell
Word problems
Let him sniff your hand bro
When the jaws open wide there’s more jaws inside, that’s a Moray
A couple of banditos after my quesadillas
Preach brother
You don’t know what you don’t know you don’t know
Getting things done today
I feel worse and better at the same time
Massage pass denied
Leaving quarantine
The Christian Universal Ministry basketball team could’ve put a little more thought into their jersey design
That's why I said it on Twitter
It Works, and NOBODY can tell
Met the legend himself today
Touch less delivery feedback
Pepsi "Light" anyone..
Insubordinate and churlish
Spotted in Nuremberg Germany
Oh you *giggles*
Do y'all still take monke posts?
Requirement for a Job
It's time to stop
I've already sent every other nerd into the Shadow-realm
The Wise One
Interaction between Paul Felder and a Fight Fan.
I'd still take it though
Can confirm, rat penis gang
Very Woody
Lilac & Gooseberries
U fu̸cking wU do u want some fweedoms?
These posts that are right next to each other. Made me laugh at least.
I’d buy a jersey
that was rude
I thought you guys were kidding
It's all I see now
This is the real struggle.
On today's unboxing
I pledge allegiance to the flag
Do you know Maya Hee?
From a local bar in Boise. The bars in the city were open for only a couple of weeks before our case count surged and we had to shit things down again.