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kowalski ANALysis!
High Expectation Jump
based mum
Everything reminds me of her
hi there
Googled Dog Seatbelts... Wasn't disappointed.
Corona Extracurricular Activities
i dont get it
A comic my 14yo son did on his bedroom door whiteboard
Cat maths
How my wife announced our first pregnancy.
part 1 breh
Barber tips
Ramen! How could you betray me like this!?
A new taco place opened up back home... Location is everything.
It's technically true
Best friend forever
I’m sure they make a killing
I’m gonna rewatch it tonight and see if I can catch this
Now take out the small text.
sound on
Put an ass against his head
This may be one of the worst TV outfits I’ve ever seen.
This is some solid advertisement...
The level of chill I hope to reach one day
It’s been up for months and no one noticed
I spilled.
Humor in the times of Corona lol
Technically you can, but only temporarily
*** green olives
Hisses in anti depressants
You have my curiosity
He serves the Soviet... or wait...
A simple misunderstanding
Cosmo & Wanda... you sneaky little ***es
And this happened
My dog is getting older, so I drew this comic to explain the afterlife.
I said photos from my good side only please
My mom took a picture of a seagull yelling and I thought it was funny
Asked my wife what’s for dinner and said “Pork Tenderloin”....Yum!
They are definitely done with people
We’re bored with Netflix and are instead judging neighbors’ WiFi names for entertainment
Mushrooms & Coke
Canada is Switching from the Metric System
i love monkeys
My niece. My spirit animal.
It took two weeks to find the darts to reload, but the neighborhood kids won’t get away so easy this time.
Mother-in-law suggested something sweet to commemorate our marriage, so we framed this and put it near the front door. Now just waiting for the day that she notices.
Why mess with such an alpha cat
7 year old me just wanted a photo with Bumblebee.
Cant take him anywhere
Guess I'm not qualified to use this bathroom.
Who had "Double Hurricanes" on their 2020 card?
Mistakes were made in the media
I always finish
August is almost over and nothing terrible hap--
If only there were an easier way to haul these around..
Pulled over today to take a photo of an unlikely pair.
He looks so proud of himself.
There’s someone that has a hot air ballon with Shrek on it in Stockholm
Staff meeting this morning
Way to go Albert
Disguise 100
Can't stop wont stop
Listen her boyo
This waifu rocks
Engineer humor
Hey, can I call you back?
The Tag Team
“In my 23 years of teaching, I have never EVER...”
Harry Potter 2020
2020 over here about to double dick the Gulf Coast
Tore apart my room, my bedding, and even flipped my mattress looking for my glasses. Then I felt something on my back.
This bride's face in her wedding day VS when she met Rob!
Those days are long gone
This sign in the bathroom at my college
This right here.
Honey I got the stuff
Schrodinger's kitty
It was me, Barry!
Holy Shots
Tutto bene
The Brotherhood of Pipe-Lamps
Wait 'till you the the M U S H Y P E A S
Llama dog
It’s not a phase mum
Little bat's problem
Me, waiting for the toilet tank to fill for the second flush