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Telling a memer he only won because he spammed the most, is like telling a bicyclist that he only won the race because he peddled the fastest
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He just became iron man
21 jump street dudes
Who's the retard here?
Frozen stiff.
Your Reward
We are all slowly rotting away
She kinda looks like TheWitch
My dude doesn't have time to simp
All time classics
carefully.he's a hero
Good time to back the hell up
A lesson in social psychology
This disappointed cat really brightens my day
Homemade capybara.
The star is born.
I want to *** you
Saw this after golfing
The ultimate anime villain
I meant
That's just your Sposition
Otterly ridiculous
Marketing heroes.
all while looking me in the eye, TV and hand.
What a true gentleman
My girlfriend's ceiling fan is also a leaf blower.
Gotta eat meat for proteins.
Just unusual thing at Indian toilet
Around we go
I don't know what's the top right one, but I wanna be that!
I'm no narc.
Students in Scotland need help
ASSert dominance
Arizona, you tried.
You forget how it happens until you adopt another one. Say goodbye to your shoes, ankles, and top lip if you don’t wake up fast enough. All worth it!
Finally, a day care center for us.
I’m all for Halloween decorations, but I draw the line at skeletons of invertebrates.
What to do???
This ad showed up while I was browsing. Apparently the home of my dreams doesn’t come with a driveway.
Don’t choose the red kids bath paint
gym was actual torture
A perfect world they could do both
My wife is getting ready to cook us dinner
Just like when somebody says they're going to go after my repost Lol thanks!!
Found this gem on the back of an RV in Florida.
Personally I would probably do it
I had a dream last night, and I got this idea for a funny here’s Woolly Nelson
All good back here?
Holy Roman and actually an Empire
I've been single for so long that if something close to this ever happen to me... i'd be very skeptical
At least it’s something I guess
Saw this car parked next to mine, my wife couldn’t figure out why I thought it was funny
Your package sir!
Functional fashion
gg wp
Spotted in someone’s front yard...
Never know where I will find her
We have long talks!
You will?
The Denver Broncos have the entire town of ‘South Park’ in the stands for today’s NFL game.
Opportunity of a lifetime
The town motto of Gettysburg, SD.
Hold up..
He also didn't become president
Link post Zelda is sad
Never Ending Story
My cat had a cyst removed and came home in a wife beater
Commence operation T00T)-(PUB3R T
Preparing for the second lockdown
Lost a good friend today
The kids face on the cat is what kills me
They finally renamed the buttons on zoom
good move
*hits blunt* nice
who you Rather?
The memories hit hard with this one... Such a great time
Americans will use anything except the metrics system as a unit of measure.
3 of Swords
The absolute Chad
Old FIFA tracks are dope tho
Shoutout to Tony
Il est pas frais mon poisson?
Best picture I had in years. What do you think?
Giant meteor for 2020!