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Telling a memer he only won because he spammed the most, is like telling a bicyclist that he only won the race because he peddled the fastest
Poster of the Month

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Turf Wars
I'm good
Joining the ">:)" cult
This on is dedicated to MemePolice
it is like this nowadays
15 hilarious facts
The True Existential Crisis
this Halloween costume
The piece of paper that is frozen to the back of my fridge looks like a wiener dog.
I wish
Roommate wanted to start separating our recycling... so I commissioned this sign.
Gwyn Gryff-Jones
Pint of wine, feeling fine
2021 is coming ! Lets learn Irish to be up to date :)
Square up
Bring it old man
Stay strong kings
This cappybarra
When the teacher looks at you during exams
he was a *** though ngl
Buff bred bear bring sosage
I’m amazed at the attention to detail Legoland has. Even the animals have bungholes.
Monthly Revenue -50%
Scary... right?
I wish i was this talented.
These Guys On Every Comment Section
damn, anyone knows why?
Translation: "please edit and turn me into Spider-Man."
The aftermath of Prime Day at my apartment
Wins a win
Catching a common cold today feels like
My wife told me to put plastic down before I painted. I assured her I didn’t need it and would be extra careful.
Second page EVERY TIME
Share your feelings
Relatively funny
The more you know
Someone missed the memo about casual dress code.
Some impulse buys prove that you should always trust your instincts.
Found in downtown Dallas....hysterical!
Fun Fact: when a Hobby Lobby purchase rings up $6.66 it receives the Mark of the Beast!
My work place...
Just finished decorating our annual scary pumpkin
I live with Maniacs
My son, who has Down syndrome, made up a menu for tonight’s dinner. He did a good job, except some of the sides are a little sketchy.
This is just great
That was as close as we could get to the real Blades of Glory hold.
Oh desr
Tigger is gettin buffed
This person brought up a pretty good point
It's enough to make a grown man cry
Was shopping for some new shirts and found my overall mood.
A salad I can support!!
Just remember, if your girlfriend looks like this.....she's a keeper!
Not going to say it's true, but it's true.
They got me good
he looks traumatized
A sign I saw in my town
This made me laugh, hope you all find it as funny as I do
I knew it!
Oh sh-
Mad house
She wins
"Ordered this badge for my girlfriend, which was made from my proposal photo to her. Didn't go quite as expected.."
You are breathtaking...
No no, hes got a point!
Best hairstyle ever?
Best tattoo ever.
do u dream mr breh
I don’t know if anyone’s made this before but I’m just
The kind of book new generations should read.
How did we even make it this far?
The new addition to the Danish navy
He is behind me isn't he?
do you understand something?
based Donald
Haha good lineup
Rated M for Miserable
Oh boi, ooooh boyyyyyys.
I couldn’t think of any scary faces to carve so I stuck with what I know
This one is for my favorite Brit
Let us pause a moment for the 2%
my UberEats driver
hehe im so kool
Suggesting a Solution
Childhood Revisited