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Telling a memer he only won because he spammed the most, is like telling a bicyclist that he only won the race because he peddled the fastest
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Mario at it again @Cloggedholes hand me a beer
I'm tryna learn russian and to no surprise I'm failing.
A couple of besties
OC kind of Thanks Baghdaddy for help making this!
Storming the Weather
Gimme that sweet protein
Anyone else know this car from Tom Scott?
F**k racism, all my homies have cancer
Hi I’m Chuckie from Rugrats
Always strapped
My friend works for the USPS. This is her service dog and best friend, Herschel the Postal Pup. He takes his job very seriously!
Having a good time apparently
Wasn't worth it
Alright time to admit it guys
After getting hit by a car this year, I thought this was the only appropriate costume for Halloween!
If 2020 was a joint
soi bot
No, I don't have a gun
Wholesome reveal.
They grow (up) so fast
Perfect calculation
Just your classic sexy ***roach
Oh so it’s glue
"If it's stupid and it works, it's not stupid."
Ninja reflexes
im breh-ok
Didi we win?
Now that sums up 2020 right there.
Matching btw
Don't worry people, the vaccine is on its way
Me ..
This whole NNN thing...
Isn’t it?
Ah yes, the negotiator
My daughter yells from the kitchen like it’s an emergency. “Dad! Take a picture!”
stand up against bullying
Beaver time
She’s going to live forever
see ya later virgins
Just like the good ol' days
I had to share my costume
There goes their screen time..
Nut coupon lol
My kids losing it over a random T-Rex squad
A gift from my cat
W.A.P. Cleanup Crew
Press R to respond
Got stung on the lip by a wasp getting the ole’ Christmas tree out. 2020 has been fun for sure.
My neck... my back
Well, it was.
A sign at a local hole in the wall Taco place
Best friends!!
Face reveal
Buddy at work NAILED it
This is so sad
Quarantine candy shoot!
English teaching done right
some nice birds right here
Full story
Happy November
oh boy
I like these memes
.won ƨi ǝɿυɈυʇ ǝʜT
How do I look, Ernie? With your eyes, Bert.
"Now I have my grandfather inside me" —his last words.
well said man, well said...
Oh yes
The perfect license plate doesn’t exi....
My wife and I got maternity photos done and my cousin thought this one needed a bit of photoshop
Animal Warfare
This peach better calm down
My sister teaches online so her class dressed up as a calendar for Halloween.
To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize
This is 2020
Best pest control company slogan I’ve ever seen.
What do you mean postponed? Cyberpunk is already out on VR in Russia.
My take on Guy Fieri
Pray for us retail Workers
a quote to live by
Most expensive rooms
I don’t why they regretted it?
I was working in my tiger onesie on Halloween when customers came in as Joe Exotic and Carole Baskin.