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I'm sorry if I post something that has been posted before. Please provide a link to the original and/or have enough people support you, and I will delete. They are NOT intentional!

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What my plans are
Oh Canada
Didn't see that one coming..
Admit it!
Liking a funny status
And here we see the majestic killer, gracefully stalking it's prey...
Overly manly man - Adrian Carton de Wiart
The cat looks so amused
Just shut the hell up Charles
Just made my day.
How to be a spy
What happened after the kiss...
Holy virgin
NBA Nightcrawler
Who's the daddy?
Not bad at all!
Who doesn't love power ?
Picture of the Sun through a lens that allows only a specific wavelength
When your best friend tries to sing, you're in the background like...
After a very productive day day at the office.
That kid is going places....
Some dogs just don't like water
Silent Hill
Happy desperation day
And Meg ...
Now as a .gif
Brushing My Teeth
The vagina
I snickered at this
I'm on a highway to hell
That's some scary sh*t
When I ordered pizza yesterday
The cop will just turn and shoot, and fill out the paperwork later
How I imagine Black Friday must look like for some.
They're deadlier than they seem
The best advice...
That's a ***y Alien for sure.
Weirdest Demands Of All Time
And i'm a man
Very useful
I just read this sentence 7 times.
Makes me wonder...
Bows and arrows
Tough call
Do not judge the book by its cover
Deal With It
This guy deserves a medal.
I don't even.. I just ca.. I quit internet for today
Barney headshot.
What are you doing this weekend?
Oh, Youtube
Empty to well empty
This just brightens my day.
I cant be the only one who looks like a baby after shaving....
Hipster girl VS wood chair (kit kat insane)
Bring on the zombie apocalypse now!
*Actual conversation
How adorable!
The ultimate surveillance system: rotating pigeons
Why? because of this
Natural selection at its best
How does that even work?
Whenever my post get likes
Turned on the Tv to find a great disturbance in the force.
Saw this on a tree during my morning workout today.
Christmas adam
Sometimes, I feel like she's not a cat.
That's where millionaires come from!
Can you handle my swag
You are doing it right!
Stairs are for noobsters
That seems about right.
That's racist....
Cats are a**holes
Yo momma's so fat
Childhood memories
Rock n Rolbama
So f*cking close
What is Love?
Oh internet you continue to amaze me
Damn it, Ronaldinho!
Battlefield 3 logic
People won't understand their love
Boy knows how to do it
So awkward
R2-D2 stahp!
Frustration in Christianity
Like so we can do something about this!
Iron Man at his best
What the...
Lesbians signaling other lesbians
Poor Ratzy
Spiderman Compilation
Then vs. Now