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"Are you a tranny or why do you constantly use this fairy as a reaction image? Do you identify with it?"
Null, 6.12.2021

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the meme HAS CHANGED
Introverts to the rescue
King of dorkness should be studied
Someone wants to get ARRESTED again!
Wouldn't believe that one
the unsung heroes
How you know your fake Christmas tree is old.
"It's ok if you choose not to vaccinate" - Charles Darwin
Mission Impossible
I'm gonna be irresistible
There just HAS to be a better way.
If only they knew :(
and this is a fact
the death of achilles
heck ye boi
We had elf on a shelf. Then goose on a moose. Now we have ...
Thanks dudder for the meme <3
Oh yeah. It’s all coming together.
Completely unnecessary IKEA. Men have been social distancing in bathrooms since the urinal was invented.
Historic Site on East Coast of Australia
2020 in a nutshell. We joined the dog
There is no 2021... only december 32
I like to shuffle through them on an hourly basis.
The many variants.
It's a mix of jazz and funk
You’ve heard of Elf on a Shelf. How about a...
Zodiac Killer's Cipher was finally cracked by experts
One of these snowflakes is sus.
“Hey!!!! Who wants tuna!”
A bunch of people trying to get out of 2020
My favourite winter sport
Big bro to the rescue
Almost as sus as Allen Man
Timmy needs a time out
Fuggin' Mandos, man
Bill Gates' master plan :)
True, but we prefer the term Caucasian.
There were no arguments and people were happy
I saw this and thought it might be appreciated here.
Special Place in Hell
Saw this this morning, made me chuckle.
Who else can relate?
How sheep get away with murder
Recently started buying old thrift store art and painting my own pieces into them. This is one of my proudest ones.
How dry erase marker looks on a mirror before and after taking a shower
You’ve heard of Elf on the Shelf, now there’s...
Engineers are the jocks of the math world
22mm of sunflower seeds yee haw
Same days are just boring
I give praise to the person who designed this
I said “surprise me” when cashier asked what lighter I wanted...I’m surprised.
I was a business lady...doing business...
Keep the change ya filthy animal
"We understand the UK 'aspires' to control its waters" - That EU woman
Tooth fans and dental enjoyers
summer 2021 will be great tho brehs
A bell curve
Trust me bro.
Just like a real cyberpunk dystopia
Infinitely more important
Butter is rar
Funny with the utmost respect to Tiny
This man didn't have to go so hard to model a dragon onesie. But he still did, for us.
Now, I just need a fireplace
Updated graphic - Appreciation of how foxes render in different games
Mmmmmm just having a good nap after eating a lot.
Piers Morgan falsely claims that he is not the bag lady from Home Alone 2.
My wife’s Christmas “gift” from her multi-million dollar financial institution employer. Thanks, I’m sure it will provide some extremely accurate readings...
The future is now.
Cow humor at its fingers
Best dad joke of the year
all dressed up
2020 in particular
It‘s just superior
I made a life sized Gary Busey cutout for a white elephant exchange, but it was cancelled. Now I have a life sized Gary Busey cutout
s o c i e t y
What a good position
Misfortune cookie.
Force of habit
Because it's always good to get along with the neighbors.
Guys... uh, I dont know what to say
My nana always said my smile was infectious