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The greatest award acceptance speech ever, courtesy of Larry David
Act responsibly
She used to be annoying
Blame The Cashier
Judge thy neighbor
Real Zuckerberg is a Lizard Person
whip whip whip
Duchy of safesex.
This should have an official league as it seems to be covid-19 friendly
My daughter is playing Zelda on the Switch, and she thinks she’s so clever. She’s still laughing at her own joke.
Oh that's just f***ed up....
When people ask what it’s like having kids, I just show them this.
She still doesn’t get what’s wrong with it.
This is a thing.
Watch the ice cream just start screaming
If you see ...
Just another yoga pose I came up with to get this nervous patient through a mani-pedi.
Sooooo, what kind of potato are you?
good ol tyler1
People that live here have some stories man...
how are you?
My kids suffered through this photoshoot for me and it was honestly the best Christmas present I could have asked for.
Zombie defense
Sometimes I receive mail addressed to my ex-husband.
I cought my dog in the middle of a yawn
I was the king of the world..
Damn it hurts
Missed opportunity for this book to be titled "I'll Write, I'll Write, I'll Write"
How to measure things in Canada
awesome game, greatly optimized
The force is stationary with this one..
People think they study economics, but they don't, I know more than them.
Another Meeting that could have been an Email
Language learning
Trying to avoid cyberpunk 2077
Look out! Here comes Spiderman...
Happy birthday Beethoven
You came here to laugh, but instead you will feel
That's what she said ,:(
Data the Madlad
A dad would be super proud of this
The perfect stocking-stuffer
Open your eyes traps have always existed
Come back later
Hide the Cyberpain
A sign outside a off strip casino in Las about pulling a Ferris.
2 genders
This is definitely the way
Please help me :c
Uh oh, not the tree
when the ladder is made of that gay shit
How to die from a painful death ! Kermit edition.
smh aoc wtf
A cool old man
The hero we all want
lunk niggas be like
Installation gone wrong
You are COVID
If I go I'm taking you with me
I be killing them hoes
The damage....
Forget success kid, now there is success cat!
Integration done right
Thoughts and prayers or something
Gotta take time to appreciate the view
Shit up snaggle tooth
take a GOOD LOOONG whiff baby just breeeathe it all in
Huh... Wuh...
Help is helpful
Oi ***, how ya doin’
Took it too far Batman *cries
CHECK MATE ball boys
Wife 3d printed a switch stand
Yes please!
Follow me for more festive holiday recepies.
that's kind of racist and non-inclusive tbh
"maybe the jews really are behind everything"
Shop sign in Kyoto, Japan
proprietary physical storage goes brrr
Don't worry about that
I showed my favorite article from The Onion to my wife, and now she won't talk to me.
Never wanted to be in a gang until now
I just thought my teacher’s chemistry booklet would fit here
I owe all my skills to them chicken wings
The reboot we all need.
e m b r a c e m o n k e
2 types of florida man