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Overall, the thread reflects a mix of personal achievements, struggles, and mutual support within the community

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Apparently my wrapping skills are not up to par so I have been demoted to tape dispenser!
Just like dora did
me but older
thanks magic cat
That’s a lot of explaining.
numa numa
This Board in a Vacuum Shop
The scent of sadness
i love spiderman 3
Yep, that's me...
Gender Reveal party
I was literally Lilo as a kid
Damn those Vikings. Always first!
not for me
Keep it classy Maryland.
life is life
Can someone please shut down the algorithm that produces these Christmas movies
"He's got dem 'rona!"
My cousin has no idea why people are laughing at her deer
My Labradoodle looking like an overweight Alf had a child with Chewbacca.
Why, thighs? Why?
Our baby announcement photo. My wife looked so obnoxiously thin 24 hours after delivery that I joked I looked like the one who had just delivered. So we decided to swap for a funny photo.
Family Christmas Card for 2020
Not your hands...mind it
The new Miss France, ladies & gentlemen.
I do not want to know anything about the match or this place, I just want to know how he managed to make the chicken a pillow and persuade her to watch with him.
Only in Jackson
Hold it there.... and cheeeeese!!
Guys Literally Only Want One Thing And It's Neon
Some interesting titles
True one
Mistakes were made
Picture taken on the surface of an asteroid.
My wife wanted Sprite. I got her 7up. She wrote this on the bottle.
P sus
Opera sure is neat,
An erection, but fancier
We’re saved boys!
My wife’s mother unintentionally knitted a sweater that’s reminiscent of Pole Position and other 80s arcade games.
First Grader so Proud of Dad!
As a American I just wanted to clarify what I actually had for breakfast this morning.
Such a modern wardrobe, I nearly mistook her for an admiral in the federation.
This sign my daughter made for me...
My friend's Christmas Card
Nothing to do, nowhere to go-o
2020 tree topper
I can always tell when my wife has been baking!
shlopshlopshlopshlopshlopshlopshlopshlop VROOOO
“And my work here is done”
Hospitalized for testicular pain earlier this year- all okay- the family really outdid themselves to commemorate the year
haha yes
"And not just the men, but the women and children too"
Love living in the Uk
American breakfast, as envisioned by a European
Why tho
Its only the start
yeah you
We know the teenage kids will never find it in here.
My daughter did this to every photo in my house to see if my wife would notice.
I also see an N
Seen at a grocery store in St George, UT.
His motives are unknown
Mmmm i think my meat butcher just butcherd a xenomorph
love that guy
Both sound like my last relationship
It’s crazy how accurate this is, Chris Jericho haha
victims of batman
Found this book the other day while shopping
Full Meal Jacket
That's exactly the way
Thanks Gandalf!
Yes, makes sense.
nice, gonna pee in it
Got the perfect Christmas card picture for next year
Rural Texas
He's getting too old for this shit.
Improvise, adapt, overcome
Hate when these dumb guys do this