An inside joke with my 6 year old resulted in this birthday card which I drew for him

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When the neighbors get a drum set
All because some guy slapped a fish.
Just casually watching some anime and stumbled across this fool. Apparently they exist in every universe.
In the hospital these are my nurses shoes.
Smells nice too.
Our Family ❤️
I see this as an absolute win!
Zoolander doesn't approve
Kids, come here..
Jump really high.
Jupiter who came together after 800 years and sees Saturn with a ring ...
Trent Rezcorn
I’m a 23-y.o. man that can rebuild an engine, fabricate my own parts, and drive anything with a steering wheel... but for the life of me cannot wrap an X-mas gift.
In the next season...
Santa is Here
Just found this mouse seems to be in good shape.
Evolution of the Mask
came from crab
Better than nothing?
He is enlightened
Surviving the cold winter
uh huh?
this one for brainyrs
Aspen Fir Trouble
it be like that
You deserve good bro
no words
Santa’s Chimney Sliders
Plot straight out of my favorite movie genre
thank you for that loophole cicero101
next time come closer
Damn it! Do you have to?!
How it really be rn
Customer Training
Saw these foxes playing leap frog at the nature park.
Every year my in-laws have a gingerbread house competition and every year I’m still a disappointment
It wasn’t free
Always opportunity behind the next door!
her parents wanted a son named Brian
defrosting the bread
The incredible, once-in-a-lifetime conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter, as seen from Vancouver
Why must you hurt me this way???
Just saw this image and i was like what the hell superman are you serious.
Are ya ok?
Same ol’
Better than nothing.
we live in a society
Decided to do in depth investigation of dryer ventilation tube in the attic while wife and kid went to get dinner. Fell completely through. Hopefully she won’t notice this in the master bathroom.
Joy to the world 2020 style
Gremlins - basically the COVID-19 story
Earned my Pandemic Scout Badge!!
Florida wild bro
Hearing about the $600 stimulus check
Emergency Emergency
I got to relocate this decoration to where it belongs.
Best profile ever
My kitten has just discovered the joys of paying with my socks
Egyptian god "baking" Pi's in the sun
Jesus Christ Elmo!
not the best at wrapping, but i think this present for my parents turned out for the better
Kilauea literally ending 2020 with a bang
GWTBW #78: Overkill
I’ll take the microchip instead.
December birthdays
I design absurd product ideas so I created the Mask-Spenders to keep your mask above your nose!
Mom said we can't have a horse in the flat
Happy Solstice
Gone for two days and my ice tray decided to take steroids
Huh? Is that..
I suppose Brazil is at least better than Slovenia
Sorry, no more than ten people in one place
This statue that was erected in my area is scaring children.
rofl still using keybords
quickplay classic
Room with a view
having a good night with my tendies
Bought my dog some Christmas gifts & hid them in the bedroom. She’s been here for the past hour. Sniffer 15/10
In todays news: France closes borders with UK
About time we had justice!
My newest piece, 200$ or best offer
No one calls me :(
Coaled world
R.I.P Pete