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The universe is a yawning chasm filled with emptiness and the puerile meanderings of sentience.
3-Year Club

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Spotted at the local pawn shop
I know which I prefer..
AND less badder !
How old is this banana???
3 inches is 3 inches though
A bright future...
can't wait to be a mancubus
2041 here we come!
Get to it Samurai
Sting Like A Bee
Hee hee
Life with Cats!
there ya go
When you got no moneys but you flirt and get things
Opening the front camera: Expectations vs Reality
Oh Yikes..
Perhaps i am
Someone had a bad day...
I love this too much lol
Who thought this coat was a good idea?
He looks kinda familiar
don't listen to her
Clobbering hour
Nice Rates
I hate this world
My brother is in a badminton club so I made him a t-shirt for Christmas
Preach it, bird!
I’ve been drawing only using squiggly lines for a few years now. Here are the different pieces so far.
What the hell, Chris?!
How to flirt 101
The bumper really sells it
that is not a hill
The highest form of art
I’m not so sure
My wife is way too amused at my sister's gift to me
This A-Hole opened a locked bathroom door only to sit here and yell at me- can’t have any quiet alone time in this house!
what do y'all do with those little white balls that come in your mozzarella drink???
I’ve been at war with my dog to keep him away from the snacks. Today I received this peace offering. Wish I could find him to thank him.
This is my “at home” look anyway.
Impressive really
Ho Ho Ho Chi Minh
Never subtle
Gentlemen I’m going in
On purpose
oi ya wanka
One of my prof at university sticks such cuttings to his office door. Some are there since more than a decade and they never get old. I clicked this in 2016 and looks like this was issued in 1993!
haha yes
I give you the Starship Entercat ...
When Ed got grounded and they stole his stairs
When trolls find your etsy shop
Choose wisely..
Twas an interesting night
Undercover Pinocchio by Steve Nelson
Snoop Doggo
Went to the dentist to make the last payment on $12,000 of work done. This is the toilet paper in his office restroom.
a high one
The same to you
Before and After 2020
You poor thing
Pick someone
and it never recovered
real shit
Buddy Gator - New Year's Resolution
Hehe comedy gold
This is BIG
Tip cup
This owl sits cross legged
Friendly reminder: Don't forget to maintain healthy habits, even though times are tough.
she went to horny jail
Man, going through monke rehabilitation
This will probably be buried but i tried.
"The Benderorian"
I bet that snowman has some shrinkage
if “uncomfortable” was a picture
should've paid attention
brehmember when they all stood behind qanon and now they call him a deepstate conspiracy brehs lmao
Illegal firearms
Customer Conversation
New Year, New Motto.
this is how it happened!
Just let it go, Elsa
dios mios
Who's Poison?
Ah Australia... Don't change.
Get got nerds