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The universe is a yawning chasm filled with emptiness and the puerile meanderings of sentience.
3-Year Club

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Airing his grievances!
Deep Roots
It happens rarely
Netflix please stop it
This guy cubes
Buddy Gator - Hot Day
Local business has opinions
All about that life...
DIY Minnesota Wine Fridge
Learning to read is fun!
New battle suits
classy gal
I teach English in China. I turned around and found my student very proud of her writing skills
Android gang wya?
Every time I have to use the can, this creature demands attention.
Good thing Obi won
Baker close to the gym
Thank you for being there
Ah the hypocrisy
We can all do our part
Australian Space Shuttle Launch
You just don't understand fashion
I need your best bonks my dudes
The feeling is mutual
Me plz
Lion The Professional
screw you frontline workers!
Proof that bears really do take a dump in the woods
iM A wAteR BEnDeR
Group selfie
Assault & Battery
My daughter just discovered how to work hair clips
It’s all the cats fault
You don’t say?
Cheeky, I'm chuffed and knackered. Fancy a cuppa?
It might be 2021 but this guy is living in 3021
Workplace safety hazard
Shaggy legs
Thanks Clippy...
Grandma would be proud
Trust me. We can return.
That’s a big oof for me bois
She’s in for it now
Try hard time
We're not even a week in!
crossover episode
Good on you
There goes all my childhood thoughts about Winnie the Pooh.
I thought of this while cooking a pizza and couldn't stop laughing until I made it.
there is no escape, i can already feel the bald genes kicking in... it is inevitable
“So tell me again how YOU had a bad day...”
You killed my boy— I take your ship
My computer has no face cam so I had to improvise for class
Unfortunate Call
It's a Banana
What do you prefer?
yeah i think he understood
A scene from my hometown...
Silly Mando.....
New Console
In a different universe...
Lockdown day 211: Starting getting feelings for fruits
We got a new squirrel feeder
I can feel my blood turing to vodka
Oi folks! Abandon hope
My friend : "I'm renovating my living room, I'm gonna put a dinosaur on the wall." Me : "Sure..."
You know you work in a classy place when someone takes the time to print and laminate their snarky comment.
It be like that
Spotted at the local pawn shop
I know which I prefer..
AND less badder !
How old is this banana???
3 inches is 3 inches though
A bright future...
can't wait to be a mancubus
2041 here we come!
Get to it Samurai
Sting Like A Bee
Hee hee
Life with Cats!
there ya go