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Maybe I’m just unappeeling
Cannot can
This is a 100% me
Who remembers this s*** lol lol lol
GG bro
All I do is triangle triangle square
Well hidden peepers
The joys of being a pig mom.
Player 3?????!!!!!!
True right? Be honest.
Didn’t see that cumming
Apologies to Gen Z, but I have no idea what you all watch
Better have a good excuse
The mnemonic my wife uses to study for boards
Nice try Aliens
Was told to drop this here too
Space heater
Movie Theater Trouble
I got a new lamp... then the cat did this.
Good job sport now go get a water
Nashterea having breakfast
This coyote warning sign
This may hurt a bit too.
Special you
Big brain time
Be careful out there at the thrift shops!
oh boy I sure love being a TV remote and I hope no one will try to shove me up their ass today
With my 41st birthday approaching, this hits close to home.
Just because you are bad guy Does not mean you are a "Bad Guy"
officer, i did not touch that child
is that so
Hope you’re having a great day!
eternal rest
y a w n
Anyone else dealing with this for approximately their entire lives?
Totally forgot it lmaoo
That's a yikes from me.
Oh geez
Good news, Happy Wheels was ported to Javascript and isn't subject to the Flash takedown
High quality planning & construction work
Real smooth
Is that a doorbell?
oh dear god
Space stuff...
I-I hope she's not his mom
I work at a recycling centre and I found this a few month ago
I had no idea brainyrs had a Wikipedia page
Daily, you say?
Best joke I've ever seen on a popsicle stick
Here's how motivation works!!!! hhhhhhh
Old top gear, not the trash that they broadcast now
Creamy and brown all the way through
So that's how they did it
It's jaundice
He’s looking a little sun crisp
chad, bear, otter
What's your favorite dinosaur?
Harsh sentence, little one
Failure never looked so hot
It’s blooming
Please seek help
The great wall lll
And I lost my leg
Was shopping for a jacket and saw this twisted creature
My island’s “accurate” weather system
post nut intimidation
2 da mun
It’s super cute.. but the word cancer directly in the middle of the ring throws me off.
this humor is not college
New Theory of Relativity
Fu*kin hate when they don't let me play
They keep me safe from the foot bois and that's all I need
I don't like this
I'm a sailor peg
It’s official: my 11-month-old has realized she can craw to me wherever I am. I will not poo alone for the next ~10 years.
First time trying sushi
Bigga. I can say it, I'm 190cm
Thermometer packaging can be used for multiple products
Don’t trust your government kids
My cat sees everything
I’m afraid so