I’m a lunch lady. Today the first graders gave us some letters to thank us for serving them food. This one was my favorite.

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My son without a filter and my son with a filter
I changed my sister's bathroom art while dog sitting. She still doesn't realize that it doesn't say "HOPE".
My mom has the biggest heart!
hold on
Ancient mask found, irrefutable proof of long skull ancestors
Ich bin Geschwindigkeit
i DoEs A fIx
I’m going wherever it’s going.
A terrifying creature.
If I ever travel across Britain this will be my route
Can't believe you
A funny coincidence
The red crayon
It's corny and made me laugh more than it should have
I buy thrift store paintings and add my own painting to them. Here is a Robot, with a design flaw, recharging itself on corn oil.
The truth behind the superheroes.
Do you need help with that one?
One of my birthday cards this year!
My friend is that person from maths buying hundred loafs
haha china bad
Neighbor projecting Trailer Park Boys onto the water tower
After game loads :- Anyway
Better than using a 10 year old one
Extra lol
Not very tall tale
It’s A Wonderful Life
attempt 1
That time I was at the McDonald’s drive through and got side eyed by a dog in a backpack.
Need for a penetration test ?
Throw a flag
thank god
The look of disbelief he gave when my boyfriend walked away with the fried chicken he wanted.
Nothing In Stock
Rare crispy-coated-chicken dogs
Me getting more of those free samples
I'll take it!
I’ve come to clean your floors
Thanks Obama
When all of their adult kids come to visit, my parents driveway looks like a used mini van dealership
I Couldn't Resist. Original Post by Zygotekiller. I Just Added the Gear.
real thing
An ugly monster
Used to work here, this guy is a cart pusher. He always wore kilts, and then today I seen this. Safety kilt.
You can never be too careful these days...
Dab the rona away
Am RussianHacker i will commit delete breathing
Sheer determination
My father said our dog was looking at him with strange eyes, then sent me this photo:
These two lions from todays gallery visit
This cuts deep.
Fasten your seatbelts
Staging my house for pictures tomorrow. I believe this Easter egg will attract the right buyer
Her car kept getting stolen so she kept this note addressed to future thieves in the glovebox.
More shocking humor
I'm beginning to think we might have a mouse.
Wizard's Duel
Just had our twenty week ultrasound. Kid says he’s doing fine.
Pet owners relate
This is how you get exposed in the Netherlands
Damn they’re serious about their work
A piece of art I noticed above the urinal at a bar
Glocks not ***s
old man
Preparing for February 14th
I might be an adult woman, but I still pulled over for two boobs.
ctrl + f slovenia = 1 of 94
The joy of being a parent to three young girls...
i remembered this
i cry every time
Snack Bagans
Women shoes
What my food sees through the microwave door.
At least it's not 0
mosin edgelords
I was late for work because I spent so much time looking for my glasses, had to use my spares.
well some people are into that
Now I'm not a doctor but I think this checks out
That's a twist!
Playing with a bowling ball
Hey do you guys like NoStAlGiA??