They be like "God forgives" and then call you a sinner who will burn in the flames of hell for eternity when you don't agree with them.

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The Robinhood Conundrum
chrome froze again :(
It’s all been downhill from there
Asking the real questions here.
They had even more similarities like exploiting colonies and building strong navies
I Like To Think I Was A Burrito
Longest spring break ever
It's exactly 4am as I am making this post
veni vedi vici
It’s Almost Cute
5-Minute Crafts is just extra steps
There is nothing but destruction.
Flawless defence
it is tuesday
Cartoons sure have changed since I was a kid...
"If it wasn't for us you'd be speaking German"
Trust me George, mule won't regret this
I hate women so much it's unreal
When the impostor is sus
Nope. Never happened.
Daily Erwin meme #1167
Stay strong it is almost Wednesday my dudes
The Definition of Noone cares
Nice walls lol
How much damage can this 'England' do, anyway?
Remember no survivors
A Southern Education
Oblivion core
Ball aerospace?
Hulk meme
the goddess of contracts
good trade for the natives
She was the grandmother of the King of the UK, Kaiser and grandmother-in-law of the Tsar
jUsT kEEp ShOOtInG
Bam right in the kisser
i aint an extremist brehs yall are
All the other kids...
Seems fair enough
Now I can’t unsee it
Da baby in da trouble
B-But, my pretty brick building!
Oh man I can't find my Claas Axion 810 CMATIC
scrolling on hugelol
I love these memes
Go hard or go home.
I’m Aware Of The Effect I Have On Women
Accept or Accept
Bring back the gold standard.
No need for a reply, we'll just do it anyway
The oldest rock collection in history
Well personally, I think he's sending Yisus a message
I don't want to brag, but my son might be a math genius...
biitches be like
One Union since 1865
The CIA got finessed
This is our bread
Graves they say
It can only be a whale
How it feels to close hugelol.
Waifu body pillow
Soap up
He was fired shortly after the request
This is right
Yoshida type or Aoi type?
I did it for fun
Should’ve just listened to Obi-wan
Just minor burns
Bing is there for us Kings
Best feeling ever as a kid
I'm kind of uncomfortable
Must keep my pans clean, i cook food with them
Finally! I'm in a Relationship
Ever get nervous like this?
I just want my bestfriend to return ;-;
I hope this hasn’t been done yet
Hot peppers!
ruff morning
I apologize to the dark mode users.
No dreams are too big
Fancy Punctuation
Dam mc toy have gotten to big now
I will ***in do it again
*grabs my manboob*
FINALLY!!! It’s been too long
Good poops!
I go running tho sometimes after having processed that
Is it a law of nature that every Tupperware cabinet must look like this?