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On rare occasion i come out of my LurkinLair to post or call out reposts
4-Year Club

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money is gone forever
I dont mind anything
Daily Erwin meme #1236
Idk why this hasn’t happened just yet
Al Capone mugshot photo
F in the chat for my boi Austin
They're so annoying ngl
I have accomplishments, I promise!
can i c
Shit this A.I thing is getting too smart!
The Isle of Lesbos is founded
That's a dad's job right there
I’ll file this under things that held up great
The tension in that show was so thick you could cut it with a playing card.
I have achieved victory
So my wife got me this card and forgot to give it to me this morning. I just came upstairs and found this laying on my pillow.
arabs and jews are literally brothers from another mother
It's on their flag to this day
The trophy for my town's July 4th hot dog eating contest
Relationship between bank robbers, DJs, and Preachers, explainlikeimfive style
Dad, I bought you a 46th drill
Luxury bones
Tally Marks From Around The World
How do gay ppl know whos penis will open up to accept the others persons penis?
R.I.P. to my man Owen
Happy birthday to the state I was raised in. June 20th 1863. Montani Semper Liberi!
Bri'ish cuisine
Like a boss
Speedrunners in a nutshell
I don't know why I'm blushing
Found on the car behind mine
gg gamers
Good match!
The cow was great
Tbh, for 17 years of my life I thought that people were burned following the Salem trials. Guess it was just an honor saved for European “witches”
sacre boo
The real challenge
You're not just wrong, you're stupid
A day late but happy Juneteenth
This explains a lot
This is somethin' else!
Dark mystery reveal.
Duality of a VA
Good bye old friend
I’ve got hurt feelings.
Imma tell mom.
>;) we win again backseat
Gonna meet her later
"Well... I didn't expect that."
Niche topic I learned recently
My friend sent me a picture of a pizza to show me what kind of crust he likes. I tried to “play” the video he sent me.
Snek don't quite get it
I watch too much Lockpickinglawyer.
i'll only go to school if this was the test
is the retardpill the final pill?
Haters will say it's edited
Nobodys gonna be in my room, Mom!
Werewolf Dad
On my mental health
Catgirls are adorable
The Other Father's Day card
On my way to visit Dad so I got him a card. I’m not a poet but this outta do. Happy Father’s Day gents.
When I was your age, I worked in the coal mines!
Damn those Chinese, making Pepe spill his food
When that 20 roll hits
We sure showed them huh?
Father's Belt
Ching shih is truly a badass
Mom is clever!
its showtime
Huge thanks to Joe for giving me this meme idea
*Ara Ara intensifies*
I couldn't agree more ... OC
Rock On, Rockall
It's still going strong
gang alcohol
'We need a bigger cage, Howard! The Johnsons across the road can fit two children in their cage'
Their service now includes a butler that tells the cashier that you don't want game protection
We can't catch a break
Biggest bruh moment of my life
I wanna be a bra
Yuri didn't like my house afterwards...
gotta have the essentials
Best job useless peeps like me
Life be hard for use baddies. I'm a hugelol baddie >:)
Tits and ass works every time
Happy Father’s Day to all dads out there!
Must be a Mazda
Local convenience store tip jar...
Numerator? Denominator?! Alright, I'm drawing the line here
And then he realised, he is not a cat