Lack of women was always a big problem for soldiers

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The day of the Frog
disclaimer: i'm a teenager
Shut up Senator.
I’m scared and scarred
We even missed the 69,420 mark once again
Ellen DeGeneres greeting fans before her first-ever on-set interview with Jennifer Aniston in 2003
Seriously, Google it.
Works every time
Good help is hard to find.
Me and my brother have very different opinions on the 1952 election
An Italian family purchases their first refrigerator 1930
Fool of a Bong-Water
You just have to work hard and dream big to become rich and famous
Minecraft discord be like
My dog got to be included in school picture day!
Is It Possible to Learn this Power....
The KKK asked Lovecraft to pull off his support for their organization, As they don't want their name to be associated with Lovecraft and his ideas
When your dad is a gamer.
Looks like I'm screwed
A 90s Japanese video game designer had to come up with American sports names
Japanese rioters pulling a reverse uno in Sanrizuka 1985
I guess you could call the Battle of Messines…A Banger
The Hamberderglar stands with his stolen goods
Cries in American
Holy chicken
The First Man Reports for Penis Inpection Day
A great task
We're getting a new kitchen countertop soon. Making sandwiches will be easier.
I can't be the only one who found this relatable
Hmm and who might that be?
Anime clearly makes everything better
Needless to say, the Dutch weren't the biggest fans of Charles V
Happy 93rd Anniversary of the character that ruined public domain
This warning label is a bit aggressive
The anime is called Triage X btw.
mark give me the zucc
Patience is a virtue I do not possess
I wish I was joking
Yes this is definitely for my brother who definitely exists
Had to test the tag machine at work
Two of my lovely patients had an argument who was the better artist. I can’t stop laughing.
The two-panel meme template is invented
Gotta get home
tanjiro cosplay
the CSX 8888 Inccident was a time when a train was driving with no driver and one police officer legit tried to soot at it
Helpful Boys
Free bird!
bop bop bop...
Good eating
Sadness 100
The list of good Nazis is pretty short
I’d rather die than get caught
Think Mark. Think!!
If you don't hear from me ever again that's because im off to pursue my education in China
They are the toughest
"I mean this pond is so me, it's even called the pool of peace, how cute would this look for my Insta?"
It still is and always will be
To all the girls who don't care about height - You're a legend
We gonna win the war boys
An old God wonders where things went wrong
He sure did find out
No, your movie just sucked
Lord F
Anime Live adaptations
Half of us were once this person
anon is brutal to his ex
At least she’s real, I guess
Diogenes rebukes Plato at The Academy, circa 387 BCE
Winning Streak
Blades cousin: Utility Knife
You don't owe it if you don't see it
These are the kind of candidates running for office in my city.
Its all garbo
I got this idea after looking at my rubber
They were screwing the earth..
Diarrhea or something
Chinese History - Nothing wrong with modern history
A recipe for success.
we'll keep you guys updated
The test is rigged
nothing good lasts forever
Banana wars was wild
Just a normal day for them
Trials in America
How the *** does Italy have a verb for landing on the moon but not for blinking?
A .357 should do. Any compatible gun. Preferably in the back of the head.
Cloudy with a chance of pizza
And it's going in the wrong direction...