Now when people ask to borrow my chainsaw they won’t leave empty handed.

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Our forgotten hero, fungi…
A real man doesn't cry for some bs, ok?
History is brutal
preserve western culture
Let us all unite against the live action!
is this meme too old?
Round 2 loading
bUt tHe CheRnoByL
Remember to hold tight
This should not expand dong, but it does
Touche touche
No strings attached, I promise
"Is that a jojo reference" isn't funny
How high was he whilst decorating
“It wasn’t us, it was the Ottoman Empire!”
All those drug legalizations are happening at the right time
Ancient China was something else
Made from personal experiences
This really do be an 1812 Overture moment
Stunning Move
Where my Sora boys at?
My my my……what could it mean.
Since we have a real life Lex Luther where is our Superman?
Finally, a store that accepts my octopus
this is the lowest they can get
I'm a huge fan myself
Why are there no microwave ads
How did they call others then themselves?
There are so many ways to power the world and we’re choosing the worst one
Subscribe now and he'll spend the next 20 years designing the glitter nuke
it even has a burn effect
AI gave written an obituary it's best shot
Americans have other things to worry about
Me and the boys being wholesome :)
I shamelessly spent 30 minutes drawing this
I'm pretty sure this car dealer's wife is an alien. https
Argument settled
A gym in Iran before the Islamic Revolution, 1976
Just a little longer!
Top 10 unanswered questions
Your boos mean nothing
Respect for the question paper maker
It is forbidden to speak italian with the goat
There lived a certain man in Russia long ago...
Just watch JoJo's bizarre adventure
My lyft today. He also has puke bags in pocket just in case
Al Capone 1930
Can you all confirm for my wife I'm not dumb and it could have happened to anyone?
Can confirm….
i cant unsee it anymore
Screaming is optional
A construction site in Iran before the Islamic Revolution. 1977
This Tent looks like it’s 35 and ready to settle down.
Why wouldn't we fake an entire Empire? Makes total sense, they got us
hopeless at buying gifts
Feeling a little nostalgic.
To love, protect and care. That’s my mission.
Xmas is cooming
2 more weeks... two. more. weeks.
I don't know who needs to hear this, but it's true
I'm not supposed to know
Idk how they managed to lose that but alright…
sir your compooter have virus
For non-Britbongs: it stole his fries
The rest prefers to nugget stomp
He literally took it from mah boi
Remember those times?
The tranny repair shop, next to the mechanic
At a local holistic healing store.
Daily Jahy-sama meme: day 470 ✓
Nooo how do people today know a popular character better than a 400 year old poet!
It's always sunny in Wrexham
The console looks thirsty for that juice
Du hast , Suka
I want that toy!
Abbott & Costello would be proud...
Colonel Harland Sanders opening the first KFC restaurant in North Corbin, Kentucky, 1930
One step forward
Well, yes
mmfff grgh mbnm
Most anticipated cross-over
we are venom
she ain't coming back bros..
It wouldn't fit well into American cardboard walls
"Cracker" is my word but you can say "cracka"
Henlo fello hooman
smol tsuns resurge
Iranian soldiers in their combat uniforms, before the Muslim Revolution
"Do I have a choice?"
Wall • Eak