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I'm back for now. I don't have any alt accounts. Identity theft isn't a joke!

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Princess Levi
Now we all know how
My son losing it in Target is a renaissance painting.
someone explain why water is dangerous in airports?
I swear it transforms
Daily Jahy-sama meme: day 556 ✓
The Sumerians played a trick on us.....
Hear me out I may have found a solution!
What kind of Double Stuf is this?
Pokem on master sex
The snacc that also quenches thirst
Panics in Russian Ambassador
Found this at an antique store.
“Nintendo Switch OLED”
Comment your special talent
Yo. Where tf is it?
Can we talk about the trophies in this picture of Jamie Lee Curtis from her new movie
It's usually a banger, too
I get all the cops
The Catholic Church before starting the Crusades
Well, that’s weird.
OAPEC begins oil embargo
Vladimir Putin explains his Naruto Run strategy for storming Area 51,
This campground: Welcome to downtown Coolsville
A lone Soviet soldier faces the last of the Chernobyl Turkeys. Early April 1987.
what kind of spaceballs shit is this?
This is pinned above my dad’s computer to remind him not to call coworkers stupid
Blockchain therapy
This looks pleasing
aw shucks
Basically this sub
Charles Ponzi discovers an alternate use for International Reply Coupons
gym rat
Evolution of Batman
Posting Aharen-san memes until the anime adaptation date #37
ciao bella
English just keeps some things simple
You must race across 1800s Brazil while facing other teams.
I’d like to say it was my teenage sons idea to take this picture…
Why did they have to ruin his wife's birthday
I salute the scanlators
My teacher’s policy for late assignments.
And the winner is……
It is... acceptable.
That’s over $2000 in value
It's a simple spell but very burdensome.
Philly Man
or Crude Oil? which one?
Poor Mr Bean
Spice level: White
Imagine getting a particle accelerator to the face.
The Vietcong using the jungle as shield, what a great idea.
Pixar is clearly full of weebs
They single-handedly changed the view
Used the restroom at a restaurant and this is the view from the toilet
That's no rock...
Lenin arrives in Russia
On a scale of 1-10 he’s a 182
this meme template is cringe.
Ok guys, hear me out on this…
not sad
Ladies & gentlemen the republic of Iraq
Oh boy
They don't give a damn
Every 1000 words essays lol
Spartans are so pog that greeks credited them
Found this in Holland
grandpa's gon have pdst
The Impulse Buy
stay safe out there bros...
a provider
A bad time to be a christian
the count
to powerful power move
Yes. Keep on blaming everything else for how you end up.
DC should use this in their ads
The Aztecs regularly made those in conquered territories give their own people to be sacrificed, as a tax. Not saying this made what the Spanish did right, but everyone was pretty similar at the time.
title says it all
Ulysses Grant when he started his Presidency vs. when he ended it,
Mods Asleep Post Actual History Meme
like some long nose people
You see a different side to him.
Women bad