I still struggle to comprehend how foot binding even became a thing.

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I just made this, hope yall like it
Spoken To
I still prefer castrating them one by one in crusader kings.
The Nazis prepare for Operation Sea Lion
Doop Snogg
The tasteful thickness of it...
Very tru
President Bush is informed that America is under attack
Sry, too busy.
experiments are fun
Perfect Timed Photograph
Filled out my YMCA membership honestly
Instagram seems like the most insufferable layout for a social media.
can't believe the west invented slavery
Is that true
Napoleon Bonaparte talking about his luck with women. 1792 AD.
Gacha hole
Literally me
Dressed like an old man
Go sleep
Either that or we’re all broke.
He was addicted to marmelade sandwiches
*Cry in 165cm*
Here's an investment tip for you:
Works the same way with abortions
Go back to sleep tbh lol
Zeus was into some chicanery
what do people expect to happen when they do this lol
I've got a few questions about the dildo
This Doughnut at A Doughnut shop
Today I spotted a patriotic butthole
You'll never get a cent out of me!
Pitle of the tost
He was peacefully asleep, until somebody opened up a bag…
Someone's million dollar idea...
I hereby announce that FMA:B tyranny has ended!
Funni 100
When did this happen? And why?
How do you say it
I'm ready
Hmmm yes shower curtain rings. Interesting.
Become ungovernable
They are in danger!
Average numbers tbh
It's as unrealistic as world peace...
Judges of the Nazi German People's Court
Batman has to walk to school after his parents are murdered 1969
I cant believe it
Going in at 60mph
Mom? what the heck?
I found Earth's butthole in wintertime.
My body pillow has an umbrella stand! How convenient.
What if
U.S be progressing backwards
Trust the process
I accidentally bought a tiny ceiling fan...
Damn, I missed the fight…
Japan, Poland, Finland, Afghanistan,
Are you an ideal boy?
This sub has a seemingly endless amount of Tankies
I was murdered
Brought to you by someone who cares for humans
How pootis happen?
oh its on
The duality of Rome
The rabbit is not a good mascot for this cereal
Those countries don’t like their prime ministers
i guess
Neither actually had an honour code
Learned more about 20th century history of China and thought about it
Nestlé was founded. 1866 AD.
50 years before Roe v Wade…
The Hex Girls are the reason I'm into Goth Girls
Lmao Zelensky
The negotiations were short
Daily Jahy-sama meme: day 660 ✓
Annual meeting of evangelical pastors somewhere in the South, 2001
He truly is ok
I think I got it right
idk shit about it, I'm just out here making memes ya'll
German > Dutch ?
It never is