Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto orders the attack on Pearl Harbor

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Adolf Hitler proving he is not racist, 1936
The real controversy from the MK-ULTRA disclosures was that America said the secret part out loud.
Dating in European Union this winter be like...
He wasn’t the bravest man.
I’m dogsitting and got bored so I braided the dogs long ear hair
Which game does this to you?
Louisiana doesn’t need any specifics
the mad men
Marin supermacy !
Some people are built different
Disclaimer: not all U.S. Citizens, and not all veterans
Tadano is one nasty mofo
Emma Watson to speak about feminism in front of the UN
she looks more mature this way
My father managed to accomplish this today.
how is it spelled?
Not my greatest year
You and I aren't so different
Maybe Christian Life International should rethink the cross
Once my teacher, always my teacher
Sheer power of will.
Blondes in red are hot, btw
So many stories that may be lost if we aren't careful
seen on the back of a 70-year-old woman's Subaru Forester
They also created anime to make people forget about the war crimes
These guys are just hanging out on the side of the road where I live
And these are only a few admirable things about good ol' Manfred
all waifus are good, but those 2 make me feel things.
1st year vs 2nd year
he painted holy gay smut in the Vacitan. absolute legend.
China is not itself without the civil wars...
Was waiting for an opportunity to comment this but fück it
The birth of The Jimmy Fund in 1948
Poor Aleutian islands never getting any love
That was some expensive feast
The great Jewish revolt was a hard thorn in the Roman empire ngl
There is no escape
CIA: Condom Installing Agency
Private sector
She's asking for it
My daughter offered to use her newly acquired photo editing skillz and smooth out her brother's acne on the picture he was sending in for his new high school.
RIP Saddam Husseinberg
Assassins Creed: Chicago
Welcome to the División del Norte
Nagatoro romance but faster
Daily Jahy-sama meme: day 701 ✓
Mom is a Gains Goblin
Very fancy
other people's of course, not mine.
I think I know who I would choose.
a small price to pay for protection
He has a point
The "trolley" problem
If your back is shaped like a C, your future filled of pain will B
Controversial thing to say
The Dark Ages begin Michigan, 476
Why yes, I do have theoretical degree in History, how could you tell?
Maybe my Xbox has a point.
F*çk Microsoft
Magst du Bratwurst?
Knife missiles are very cool and very legal
Hes always there for me
This error message I got today at work... lol
Proud dicklets
George Bush moments after learning of the attack on the World Trade Center
Achieving higher levels of uselessness everyday ;)))))
Walt Disney experiences fatherhood for the first time, colorised
Baby's first recession
This Wikipedia article is interesting, to say the least
I was Insulted by a Cookie!
Art Evolution !
financial advice #23
Is this what getting old feels like
Checked my weather app, apparently there's a strong chance of boobs starting at 6:20pm
One of them, one of them...
I am an ally
smh, unwarranted censorship
last one wins
My nephew, Spider-Man, after a long day.
financial advice #43
The first man to ever successfully place a post-it on the back of another man undetected - Berlin 1936
The Napoleonic Wars begin
'It's not clear yet how the artifacts got to Argentina'
company twitter accounts be like:
it's a nice sandcastle though
Queen Elizabeth II seen arriving to the wedding of a female subject to claim her right of prima nocta
That f*cking Google humming ad
My wife asked our teenager to help set up tables in her classroom. Instant regrets